Sadly, people do listen to them though.
Over Christmas, I happened to be at the inlaws when some of their friends arrived for a coffee. Then more appeared. Eventually there was I, trapped with the kids and wife in a roomful of elderly folk who knew best about everything. A ringleader was outraged at the addition of speedbumps in the village where they all live, and how it was ridiculous that he, in his Merc, be expected to put up with these ludicrous "hazards" in the middle of his village. He'd started a campaign to abolish them and folk were swearing they'd get behind the movement.
Inconvenience to him = minimal. Effect in slowing traffic = high.
God. Given. Right. To. Do. What. He. Likes. On. The. Road. In. His. Car. And. To. Hang. With. Everyone. Else.
Had I known him better or met him in a different setting I'd have taken him to task. As it was, I rolled my eyes and got the troops together and left as soon as I could.