And when does he go out on hisOk classic, when do you actually sleep. I thought I was bad with my five hours but you must sleep during the day.
Down to about two hours sleep a day at present.Ok classic, when do you actually sleep. I thought I was bad with my five hours but you must sleep during the day.
Using the above logic, its either the second weekend in a row that I've to come/go/look forward to or I'm now 6 days behind everyone else. Meaning its last weekfor me still!!Makes perfect sense. Even though it was 00.14 when posted it's still Saturday night as I haven't been to bed yet. So even though I said tomorrow instead of today when it was today and not yesterday I meant tomorrow as in today and not tomorrow as in tomorrow. Do try to keep up! I did 80 miles btw, not bad after I was drinking whisky till 1.30 am and snoozed on the sofa till I went to bed at 4. am
Down to about two hours sleep a day at present.
Not far from it, to be honest.FFS you must knackered.