Cyclist two abreast is not uncourteous it is safe and legal. This is the point the seems to not resonate with you.
Of course it's not uncourteous; I'm not sure anything is or ever has been.
It is sometimes discourteous.
Cyclist two abreast is not uncourteous it is safe and legal. This is the point the seems to not resonate with you.
Of course it's not uncourteous; I'm not sure anything is or ever has been.
It is sometimes discourteous.
I hope you appreciated that i did the cyber equivalent of politely riding away from a potentially inflamatory situation with a just friendly wave. Courtesy and consideration.
The thing is - yes, that road was narrow, but traffic was moving at a safe, slow speed so allowing motorists to creep by was the right thing to do there and then. Creating a huge tailback wasn't. Cars which had safely passed me were not able to progress further. The predictable happened ...ColinJ said:We headed down a short stretch of road where two riders in front of me old enough to know better rode along two-abreast chatting without a care in the world and weaving from side to side as a queue of increasingly irate motorists built behind them, before road rage ensued and they nearly got crushed in a stupid overtaking-into-oncoming-traffic-manoeuvre.
Well I know of at least one case where a motorist abused a cyclist. The cyclist spend ages searching for the car. When he found it he smashed every wind and turned it over onto its' roof.
And in the spirit of courstesy and consideration, I would like to agree that there are indeed times when riding in single file is the right thing to do!
I was once riding through the small town of Ramsbottom on the Rossendale Mountain Bike Challenge and a pair of cyclists in front of me were not making any friends ...
The thing is - yes, that road was narrow, but traffic was moving at a safe, slow speed so allowing motorists to creep by was the right thing to do there and then. Creating a huge tailback wasn't. Cars which had safely passed me were not able to progress further. The predictable happened ...
The most outrageous cycling I saw (which made me feel embarrassed to be in the same group of cyclists) was on a training ride near Calpe, just north of Benidorm. The coast road twists and turns, but is wide enough for traffic to flow safely in both directions even while overtaking the many cyclists who generally ride within white lines painted either side. It is often okay to ride 2 abreast. It isn't okay to ride 5 abreast!
Many members of the group I was with decided to blatantly ignore courtesy and consideration and form a mobile road block on our side of the road. A queue of cars was forming behind us. I heard someone call out "No more than 2 abreast, cars behind" and someone else shouted out "F*** 'em, they can wait!" (Laughter.) This went of for about 10 minutes. They were well out of order!
A long-suffering motorist eventually gave a short blip on his horn to request to be let through. They gave him 'the finger'. That caused dozens of motorists behind to blast us with their horns. More jeers from the cyclists, and more use of the fingers, plus references made to WW II when they noticed that the driver in the convertible at the head of the queue was German. In the end, a driver about 4 cars back saw 'the red mist' and floored his throttle. He overtook us at a stupid speed and cut in so viciously that he almost hit the front riders of the group. More abuse from them ...
Absolute f***wits!
What does this say about the type of person who will only abuse a cyclist when safely inside a steel box that can accellerate away?
Saying its legal to ride 2 abreast is all well and good but it is not considerate and is not going to do any good
I agree 2 cars driving 2 abreast unnessecarily is as inconsiderate as 2 cyclists doing the same. Inconsiderate to an equal degree. However i hope freewheelingUK isnt using motorist as his moral yardstick - try to aim higher .
I find you assertion that riding two abreast is inconsiderate most strange. You do realise this is a cycling forum.