downfader said:
Well thats b*ll*cks, dogs dont see a good range of colours so sounds like the owner is fibbing.

If the owner also knew there were problems with the dogs temperment it makes you wonder why it wasnt muzzled.
Um, if I showed you a black and white picture of someone in a hi-vis vest, do you think you could still tell it was a hi-vis vest? I think you could. I watch a B/W TV, and I can easily tell when poeple are wearing hi-vis.
Otherwise, yes, if an owner knows their dog has problems, they should act accordingly. But you might be surprised what little cues animals can pick up on and act on, seemingly irrationally. I know someone who had a rescue cat who'd been abused and she was terrified of a certain build of man at first - not big, menacing blokes, but slight, lightly spoken blokes. It took a while to settle her down, and we had to assume that the person who kicked her had been a lightly built, lightly spoken bloke.