Flying_Monkey said:
Of course the only difference is that we know for certain that Scientology was entirely made up because we have observed it happening and it is well documented. Unfortunately, the evidence for Jesus, and in particular for the Jesus demanded by Christians, is very slim.
I don't know where you are getting these ideas from. The evidence for The Bible's historical accuracy is in fact very, very strong. Pretty rock solid to be honest.
I agree that many religions or cults are fantasised. For instance the Book Of Mormon and other Mormon writings describe many cities and places for which there is no evidence whatsoever and the only people who accept accept their existence are the Mormons! Although they (Joseph Smith) also said that there were people living on the moon who dressed like Quakers! I guess that back then he figured he'd get away with that one ;0)
The Jehovah's Witnesses predicted that Christ would return and set up his kingdom in 1914, and on several other dates after that, when presumably his flight was delayed! Ask a Jehovah's Witness about that today though and they'll deny all knowledge of it, and they may be telling the truth as they are forbidden to read old Witness literature. Can't think why...
What some of you might be forgetting is that 'I' once tried to rip the bible apart! I was a very happy atheist, evolutionist and just as antagonistic toward the idea that the Bible might be true as some of you are. All I can do is encourage you to be a bit more open minded.
If you're prepared to try looking at things from the other side of the fence then sites like this are very interesting:
What I found when I examined the Bible from the perspective that it might be true was that the evidence for that being the case was far stronger than the argument against. However all of this debate is missing the most important element of all, the supernatural one! If God is real and wants you to know Him then surely he can actively intervene in your life? The answer is yes. If you want to know the truth, not just 'a' truth that suites your own desires, then ask Him to show it to you.
When I first did this I wasn't even convinced that God existed. I merley asked that if He was there He would show me. The Bible says that God will not turn his face away from those who seek him. It's not about who you are, what you can do or think. It's about what He can do and whether you are prepared to let Him work in your life.