When I was in my teens I read a lot of Bertrand Russel's books, they made good sense to me. He was wrong though and most annoying, he had little understanding of what the Word Of God actually taught. Time and again he'd lambaste the Christian position on this or that when, as I later discovered, that wasn't what the Bible taught at all.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
The Bible says we do. In fact:
What this passage is saying is that men are without excuse because the things that are clearly visible to them are ample evidence of the power and nature of God.
Are you wearing a wrist watch? If so, look at it. Where did it come from? I assume you bought it from a shop, which in turn bought it from a wholesaler who one way or another got it from the manufacturer.
What if I said to you that that's not where it came from at all. What if I said that millions of years ago, cosmic winds brought together atoms of steel etc and over time fused them together to form the watch, which just by random chance was accurate to one-hundredth of a second and was marked with culturally correct numerals!
I'm being ridiculous obviously. The skills involved in the manufacture of even a cheap watch are intense and it is clearly the result of design. How is it then that you could look at the hand right next to the watch and not see design?
Look at your hand for a minute. Think about all the aspects of its design, its self-adjusting servos, temperature and touch sensors. The dexterity and precision of its movement, heck it can even self-repair minor damage! With all the knowledge and technology at their disposal all the scientists in the world today could not build a human hand, it would be utterly impossible. And that's just a hand!
How can you think that such complexity came about by random chance? look in the mirror, does random chance produce symmetry? Make no mistake, origin of life by random chance is 'not' logical. For a kick off it breaks two laws!
It breaks the laws of bio genesis, the law which states that life only comes from life, and the second law of thermodynamics which has to do with entropy.
What the entropy laws state is that in the absence of intelligent input things flow from order to disorder. Things even out. Complex moves towards simple. If you left a wooden clock in a room for one-hundred years it would not end up in better condition than it was to begin with.
Evolution, or the part of it we're talking about here, states that the vast complexity of life resulted from random chance.
The first law, the law of bio genesis, states that life can only come from life. Many years ago some people, like Aristotle for instance, believed in what was called spontaneous generation. They believed that if you left a piece of meat to rot maggots would spontaneously form in it out of the rotting matter. Now we know that's not true don't we?
Yet the theory of evolution teaches that life formed out dead matter, by random chance. I have to say that if you have a theory that breaks two fundamental scientific laws, ipso facto you have a very bad theory!
You can't get around this. Science is using observable evidence, often acquired through experimentation, to confirm theories and move knowledge forward. Evolution fails this test. Evolution is not scientific, it is faith!
Don't think it's just me saying that. Charles Darwin said shortly before his death that " 'they' are making a religion out of my unformed ideas". Incidentally, Darwin also called the book of Romans "that royal book" and carried it with him everywhere.