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Maybe you should google it.
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by Scooby Werkstatt - in 1,255 Google+ circles
Cardio does not burn muscle, this stupid myth will just not die. Crash diets and bad nutrition burn muscle, not cardio. Cardio can help you gain muscle
Cardio does not burn muscle, there is no metabolic pathway for it to do so. If Cancellara does weights, he will do some corrective stuff in the off-season. Road cyclists don't do weights as a rule, it's pointless.
Maybe you were being ironic and I missed it.
Issues relating to cardio and overtraining revolve around intensity and frequency. Simply put, the more cardio you do, and the more intense it is, the more your strength and growth will be negatively affected due to excessive stresses put on both the central nervous system and muscles being worked (usually the legs get it the worst).
I think the positives of including cardio when you’re bulking clearly outweigh the negatives, especially considering the fact that the negatives are easily dealt with.
I guess different people have different things to say about it and me and you who are just reading what others have to say about it will just have to choose who we agree with because wether you can admit it or not and I know I can we're both ignorant when it comes to the science of building muscle.
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