Legendary Member
Let's consider the science a bit more carefully here.
If you have two guys with the same cardiovascular capacity (VO2), one weighs 70kg and the other weighs 100kg. They have the same fat % ie the extra 30kg is muscle & fat in the same proportion
Now who goes faster on a flat course?
It's the 70kg guy. The number of watts they can maintain is dependent on their VO2, not on their muscle mass. The 70kg guy has a smaller frontal area so he encounters less wind resistance. It's this that allows him to go faster than the bigger guy.
Up hills this difference is much greater
The question then is does a 100kg guy have a higher VO2 than a 70kg guy if they train in the same way? Answer is yes. His cardio system is physically bigger than the smaller guy. But it isn't 100/70 bigger. It's less than that. So on flat courses the big guy may be able to compete; his extra watts counters his extra frontal area. But going up a hill he's on a hiding to nothing. His extra watts won't counter his extra mass, so the 70kg whippet wins every time
Although your conclusion is quite possibly right - your explanation above is very much begging the question: all you've actually said is small people have better power to weight, because small people have better power to weight.
Power is essentially the same as V02 isn't it, so you've really said x=x