In the mean time read these articles :
Part 1 and Part 2
There is a very silly advert on the TV at present which says something like 'impatience is great'. This is absolute rubbish and especially when applied to knee pain/injuries.
As others have said (and I will repeat it, so you might get hold of it) - DON'T AGGRAVATE A KNEE INJURY
Irrespective of how old or young your are, if you knacker your knees, you will regret it big time later.
You seem to have an slight attitude towards anything which doesn't work to your timetable. Welcome to the real world
. Relax.
- or whatever the current expression is for not being uptight 
I have had to learn that trying to get back to (full) fitness too early doesn't work and takes far longer in the end. Sometimes you have to slow down or even stop what you are doing for a while and let things heal .... and don't worry, you will not lose all your fitness in a couple of weeks
And +1 for a physio referral. Yes, it might take ages but, unless you go private, it's all there is and is worth the wait. Physio stuff some years ago used to be about the physio pummelling/massaging your sore bit and it got better. Nowadays it is all about you doing exercises/stopping doing certain things to provide long term gain, which you can manage yourself for ... well the rest of your life.
Here endeth the lesson
Do I sound like your parents ???
Part 1 and Part 2
There is a very silly advert on the TV at present which says something like 'impatience is great'. This is absolute rubbish and especially when applied to knee pain/injuries.
As others have said (and I will repeat it, so you might get hold of it) - DON'T AGGRAVATE A KNEE INJURY

You seem to have an slight attitude towards anything which doesn't work to your timetable. Welcome to the real world

I have had to learn that trying to get back to (full) fitness too early doesn't work and takes far longer in the end. Sometimes you have to slow down or even stop what you are doing for a while and let things heal .... and don't worry, you will not lose all your fitness in a couple of weeks

And +1 for a physio referral. Yes, it might take ages but, unless you go private, it's all there is and is worth the wait. Physio stuff some years ago used to be about the physio pummelling/massaging your sore bit and it got better. Nowadays it is all about you doing exercises/stopping doing certain things to provide long term gain, which you can manage yourself for ... well the rest of your life.
Here endeth the lesson

Do I sound like your parents ???