Do you like classical music?

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Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Don't mind a bit of Elgar.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I do, but mostly stirring tunes like the ones below. 🧐





I really should tune into such as Classic FM more when in my car, but when I do I'll hear something that sounds like it might be nice to listen to, but I haven't got the time to wait to find out, so I'll revert back to the CD button knowing what I'm going to get.
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Legendary Member
I love classical music - I played clarinet and piano in my teens and still bash the piano a little bit. I am a shameless fan of anything big, emotional and swooping (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff) and I love Chopin, although I cannot play a bar of his pieces. I don't listen to music much.


Senior Member
I don't find music classifications useful in deciding if I like or dislike any piece. "Classical" is a massively broad adjective, just as "pop" or "rock" etc.

Whether on not I like a piece of music depends on the piece and how it is being played. Even the same piece played by a different person I can like or dislike. eg a very popular "classical" piece Bach's Little Fugue, some performances and I love it, others and I can't even listen to more than 1 minute.

Some classical pieces work well in what one might describe as "non-traditional" performances eg I always got on well with some of Isao Tomita's performances of classical pieces on Moog synthesisers - but in my opinion what he started has been surpassed by a present day enthusiast who publishes his work for free eg, whilst I appreciate this isn't "What are you listening to" type thread, good example of old analogue Moog used to play a classical piece

Or an interpretation of Don Giovani on accordions



Not particually, not really at all, yet I find Eric Satie's music really soothing and interesting. Trouble is, they tend to be short and there's not that many of them so you play them yo death...and that's it.


Started young, and still going.
I quite like classical music, and I listen to Classic FM in the car and in the evenings.
I was weaned on classical pieces at primary and secondary school.
The only gripe with Classic FM is that for the most part they only play well know movements and not enough whole symphonies.


Quite fond of classical music though not very knowledgeable about it. I have a subscription to Apple Music which includes a separate Classical app. Apparently it is very highly regarded as you can choose specific performances of a piece by venue, orchestra, conductor etc. Also has comprehensive sleeve notes.


Legendary Member
Who doesn’t like a bit o’ Viv? Scarlatti and Baroque in general tends to ring the bell.

Me, I can't stand Viv 4 seasons as an example!!!
I'm actually not a fan of heavy stringed stuff, much prefer woodwind and brass as the main sound
(I still need to sort out the alto sax lessons, probably wait now until my heart has been fixed tho!)


Über Member
Me, I can't stand Viv 4 seasons as an example!!!
I'm actually not a fan of heavy stringed stuff, much prefer woodwind and brass as the main sound
(I still need to sort out the alto sax lessons, probably wait now until my heart has been fixed tho!)

Phillistine! :-)

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar
Some, mainly late 19th to 20th century, like Bartok, Janacek, Boydell etc.
The trouble with classical radio stations is that they are unwilling, in the main to stray too far into the unfamiliar, besides the way they play too much religious music out of context, “Bach before seven” “Bath before seven” for me.
I used to work with a chap who said he was "tone deaf". Nothing wrong with his hearing, but he said all music sounded the same to him. I often wonder how life would be without the capacity to enjoy music. There is music in everything

I used to describe myself as tone deaf, now it seems that “musical anhedonist “ is the term . I can differentiate between notes, but it has no meaning to me, some one could be blabbing because of someone else playing a fiddle, or jumping about because another is playing a guitar or drums, I would just be thinking “meh”.
. Would birdsong just be a noise? The wind in the trees? The sound of waves on a beach? Even the sound of machinery can be musical.
Yep, just noises.
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