I discovered Philip Glass a few years ago. Absolutely wonderful.
]View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdvD3sJh1M0[/medi
We've seen all of his "big 3" operas: Ahknaten, Einstein, and Satyagraha, which are collectively his masterpieces I think.
Was dithering over Einstein on the Beach as we'd been going to quite a lot of gigs at the time then decided to go for it by which time only hundred plus quid tickets were left so decided not to. On my (50th) birthday Mrs PP handed me an envelope containing two tickets. It took me a moment or two to spot it was in Amsterdam rather than the Barbican. Tickets plus flights were actually cheaper than the London tickets and the hotel was likely cheaper than London too, so we had a nice weekend away. Anyhow sat down in our seats, and they were doing the "one, two, three" counting thing that opens the show and people a few seats over seemed to be staring and pointing in our direction. I looked around and realised Phil himself was sat in the end of our row, having come over to see his show.
We saw Glass himself playing a few times: with his small band playing along to a silent movie, and also playing piano in a concert of his piano etudes
For anyone interested in Glass's music, the 3
operas mentioned above are a great start, also his string quartets (one used in the film The Truman Show), and the piano etudes.
Opening of Einstein
View: https://youtu.be/pdkjbI_LskI?feature=shared
We saw this fabulous ENO production of Akhnaten
View: https://youtu.be/5PcgXev7VlU?feature=shared
And likewise their Satyagraha (twice!)
View: https://youtu.be/RoAN_xDcmmI?feature=shared