Do UK police still carry a whistle?

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Legendary Member
Last lady bobby I recall wearing a skirt was in 2003, and I remember the year well. Even then it was a bit of oddity.


Yes, I remember having one, but once tunics stopped being worn other than ceremonial occasions I’m not sure many staff carried them. It’s gone all casual now with polo shirts and fleeces. Some officers still stick it on their key chains though. The radios have personal alarms now anyway.

Mrs73 was told it's more a back up thing , just in case the tec go's down or you find yourself unable to get to your radio. Which to me sounds like a cheep and simple back up idea.


Legendary Member
The double glazing lot are back next door, this time gutters and fascia. They started hamming and crashing about at 7.30 this morning.
Now I was up and about but not everyone was, not very good practice in my book. Luckily it's the neighbour on the other side so the balls up they are making of the work won't effect our house.

6 short blasts of a police whistle every 30 minutes should do it.


I've seen women walking the street in high heeled knee length black boots. But they weren't in the police...

They'd probably pretend if you ask nicely enough.
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