Do UK police still carry a whistle?

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All at sea⛵
As a practical matter, no, unless on duties requiring the wearing of a tunic. I was issued a whistle when I joined TVP in 1991, but when I transferred forces in 2002 I didn't get one.

Everyone assumed you had one
Lost it - you replace it
They don't wear out or need batteries

I had one lying around but am vague on the circumstances of its acquisition.
The "Thunderer".

I have one in the kitchen drawer
It was my Mum's - her Dad was a copper in the old days - he was the village bobby through WW2
His Police whistle was different - this one was for other reasons - or so I was told
he told my Mum to use it down the phone if she ever got a "funny" phone call

I used it when I was a teacher in a Primary School - it was a common make teachers used
by this old one was louder


Firm and Fruity
Even as recently as the mid 80's, the WPC's on my shift would walk the beat dressed in a skirt with high heeled knee length black boots. Not the most practical when things kicked off!

Anyone who remembers the Bill will know the end credits always had a male and female officer walking away. The lady had a skirt and tights, but flat shoes I think.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Even as recently as the mid 80's, the WPC's on my shift would walk the beat dressed in a skirt with high heeled knee length black boots. Not the most practical when things kicked off!

Yeah, but some of us liked that kind of uniform!! :crazy::heat: 🧐
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I was looking for my orange-coloured hikers whistle a couple of weeks ago but couldn't find it.

Fortunately, my Osprey backpack has one built-in on the shoulder strap.

This made me feel a little bit safer when I was taking the kids along a well-marked trail up a 'hill' in Telemark. This 'hill' turned out to be quite steep in sections and had a good deal of exposure. At one point I sat the kids down and taught them the morse code for SOS and the 6 short blasts, etc.

Whistles are useful still.


Legendary Member
I was looking for my orange-coloured hikers whistle a couple of weeks ago but couldn't find it.

Fortunately, my Osprey backpack has one built-in on the shoulder strap.

This made me feel a little bit safer when I was taking the kids along a well-marked trail up a 'hill' in Telemark. This 'hill' turned out to be quite steep in sections and had a good deal of exposure. At one point I sat the kids down and taught them the morse code for SOS and the 6 short blasts, etc.

Whistles are useful still.

I always carried one when hill walking


Legendary Member
They still are issued and carried by HMP prison officers and staff. One came already attached to Mrs 73 key chain when she got issued with it. Private sector prison don’t issue them.

Yes, I remember having one, but once tunics stopped being worn other than ceremonial occasions I’m not sure many staff carried them. It’s gone all casual now with polo shirts and fleeces. Some officers still stick it on their key chains though. The radios have personal alarms now anyway.
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