Do UK police still carry a whistle?

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
only when undercover at a rave.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
When I joined the (then) Strathclyde Police in 1982 I was issued with a whistle on a length of chain. The proper way to wear it was to hook the chain onto the button of the left breast pocket of the uniform tunic, then across to the top centre button, then downwards to tuck it away into the tunic below the 2nd button. After a few months, you soon realised that the whistle was redundant (thanks to the invention of radio communications) and so it was dispensed with. I always did wear the chain though, for the sake of appearance, but there was no whistle on the end of it.

As to the question, do they STILL carry a whistle? I don't know for sure but I very much doubt it! Traditional uniform and superfluous equipment has been done away with.


Started young, and still going.
There is a newly retired Police officer that I talk to, one day the topic of whistles came around, and he said that although the whistle is no longer used, and hasn't been for a number of years it is still part of the dress uniform for ceremonial duties.


Legendary Member
"Young" Andy used one!

Young Andy died in 2018 aged 90.


Leg End Member
but not female officers

I presume there was a logical reason for this but I can;t think of one
Probably historical, from when WPC's weren't expected to be dealing with the same situations as their male colleagues.

Do you ever remember seeing a WPC in any black and white movies/TV series?
WPC 56 aside.


Firm and Fruity
Dress uniform and day to day operational uniform are very different these days.
The whistle was used to alert nearby officers or even members of the public. Imagine a scenario now with two officers within the sound of a whistle! They are usually in adjacent towns at best.
My dad still has his. It’s a very distinct shape with a high pitched sound.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Probably historical, from when WPC's weren't expected to be dealing with the same situations as their male colleagues.

Do you ever remember seeing a WPC in any black and white movies/TV series?
WPC 56 aside.

Even as recently as the mid 80's, the WPC's on my shift would walk the beat dressed in a skirt with high heeled knee length black boots. Not the most practical when things kicked off!
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