disabled rider
At the risk of speaking for Canrider, I believe he was asking you why you couldn't just wheel your bicycle around the people in their mobility scooters, or whatever it is they are in/on.
Thanks for clarification.
I have tendency to loose balance, when fatigued, if I am "off center" related loss of balance with the hearing loss, those that have significant loss of hearing know what I am talking about.. example (leaning to side or trying to hold a heavy load balanced like 60-80lb in my totes on the handle bars of bike like groceries while walking besides bike)
Also tried to explain, that if I walk besides my bike with said groceries, the tires kick out hard to the side, if its not perfectly balanced, anyone near by could be potentially hurt including me. result from "pendulum effect" I have learned if I stay on the bike my own body weight, keeps enough traction on the tires to completely prevent the tires from kicking out to the side, and at the same time i stay perfectly centered vertical so I don't loose balance due to my inter ear. It was a trial and error, to find what works, with what is available.
So I can clearly pin point when the change happened now, it was when smoking was banned from our building. For awhile the smokers, started smoking right at the entry way. This caused significant problems, for those who had breathing issues, including myself. It turns out, when a building is smoke free there is a 25ft clear zone around all entry ways. (When smokers were around the entryway, they were no where near the sidewalk or traffic path.) So when the management started enforcing the law, they set up a designation smoking area 50 ft from building, where they were not impeding traffic. They could not be any closer because of the air intake to the building and a gas main that comes into the building 25 ft from the door.
Well the people smoking, don't want to go to the designated area, so they started illegally loitering on the public sidewalk in large groups choking the sidewalk off. With total disregard to others using it. which includes the same people, who were having breathing problems, due to second hand. The designated area was away from those who would suffer from the second hand like those on oxygen.
I had come up with an "adaptation for my needs" to the walking my bike.(This works fine for distances of 1 block. but not really feasible for further distances..) I stay on the bike and I have my seat low enough that I can walk it, that way, so that at least one foot is on the ground at all times , no coasting, I can not move faster than I can walk and it also provides 3 point balance, 2 tires and 1 foot, "tripod" of single object. bike also has 3 points of contact to me instead of the 2 if I was walking besides the bike. two hands and butt.
Management of our building is happy with the "adaptation" because it provides the greatest safety with all involved. And even had told the residents to leave me alone about it.
The residents "mold of how things work" is that the "adaptation" is still riding, due to belief that because my butt is on the seat. with total disregard that my feet are walking me, with the balk of my weight on my feet, with NO COASTING, with the bike balanced between my legs that keeps the whole load centered and grounded.
Now that the conflict moved to the "Public" sidewalk Management has no say anymore. until I am officially on the property proper.
Following is sidewalk use related only:
See the management had adapted its policy to accommodate someone with needs. They followed the ADA title 3 because they provide enough services to be considered a public accommodation, in the public areas of our building. The state has not, despite the ADA title 2 in its "discriminatory policy". I called the Department of Justice to confirm this regarding title 2 policy. If the city doesn't do anything to adapt its policy, so as "not" to exclude I am to report to the DOJ , so they can look into it.
You see the state, accounted for those who have difficulty "physically moving" like "no legs" etc. "classed as ambulatory impairments" But they failed to accommodate those with auditory, sight impairments, etc, who use different forms of mobility devices like bicycles, Trikes, tadpoles, segways, utility bikes, etc. Most of these are hell of lot cheaper than say "power chairs" or "4 wheel scooters". And scooters and power chairs are useless for outdoor winter, unlike bicycle or utility bike, using "4 wheel scooter" and power chairs out door in winter voids most warranties. and those paid by medical coverages forbid their use in winter outdoors, where snow and salt, destroys them. By the way. the amiability impaired. can use modified bikes, example "hand pedal" on the sidewalks, Why do they get to do it, if another person with impairments involving say balance due to the significant loss of hearing, uses a trike, but is not allowed since its not considered ambulatory?
these are permissible on sidewalks http://www.thescooterstoreonline.com/luxury-scooters.html which are in more of a 'car' class, than pedal power bicycles are. top speed of this one is 9.3 miles an hour http://www.thescooterstoreonline.com/sportrider.html This one 8 miles an hour http://www.thescooterstoreonline.com/vita.html Most would consider this speed too much for sidewalks. so at the end of the day what is the difference between the 2 wheels vs 4, when used by those who have impairments?
I am pretty sure UK has similar issues, and is so normalized, that people don't even realize it is happening. "exclusion factor form of discrimination.
disabled rider