If you crash in a crowded peleton amidst very hot rotors, it will hurt even more than usual.
What a load of cock. The discs are inside the forks and the stays, unlike chain rings and pedals which are unguarded yet how many injuries do you here of them causing? Everytime a new piece of cycle technology comes out people are queueing up to give scores of reasons why it won't work, yet a few years down the line it becomes a standard fitment few people would buy a bike without. Oh, the horror stories I heard about clipless pedals (Break yer ankle when you crash with them things on mate), low spoke count wheels ('Ave yer bleedin' arm off, they will), aluminium frames (Weakening with every pedal stroke, they'll break in no time), carbon fibre (Wouldn't catch me on one of those, it will explode without warning).