Difficulties in disconnecting the power link on my chain.

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Just resurrecting this thread.

I decided to replace my shimano 9 sp chain with an SRAM PC951.

I reckon I spent about 1 hr + messing about with the power link. Firstly one side went in and I couldn@t remove it, then, because the chain comes pre lubed, there is nowhere to grip the chain to pull apart/together.

The air turned blue :whistle:

I thought it was just me, but judging from replies here clearly not.

If they are so difficult to remove & put back on what is the effin point of them? :sad:


Just call me Chris...
Don't feel bad, I struggle for Hours in "Blue air" trying to get these things apart

I've just ordered some of the link pliers linked to by crankarm above so hopefully they'll make life easier


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Poor man's chain link pliers - convert pair of tweezers - fine enough to fit inside chain - by bending points so as to engage around pins both sides of link. Squeeze using pliers - link comes apart.

Dan B

Disengaged member
Sometimes I find them really easy, sometimes they refuse to come apart at all until I get the pliers on them. My technique is the same in either case so I am putting it down to manufacturing tolerances.

Not sure you need those chain link pliers, though: just pop the link diagonally into ordinary pliers such that only the outer plates of the link are in contact with the jaws, and squeeze gently. This method has not yet failed me


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I can usually manage the SRAM links fairly easily though I did have one that I struggled with. I found the best technique was ...

  1. Unship the chain. You don't want tension on it when messing about with the powerlink.
  2. Make sure the powerlink is clean. Dirt will clog it up and make your task harder.
  3. Put an s-bend in the chain at the powerlink (chain either side horizontal, powerlink vertical).
  4. Squeeze the sides of the powerlink in with one hand and apply a sliding force to the sides from the top and bottom with the other hand - in the right direction, obviously!
That approach worked all but one time me. (Then I resorted to using a pair of long-nose pliers to apply the sliding force.)


I'm tempted to say it may depend on the chain/link combo...
Just fitted a SRAM link (dont know if it was a powerlink) to a 105 chain and like another contributor, i had to apply pressure to the cranks to get it to snap together. At this point you know its going to be a swine to undo....and it is :sad:
No amount of wiggling, applying pressure here or there will undo it. Not even special pliers. These need care sometimes BTW, ive has the rollers bounce out off the pins in the past when applying considerable force.

I seem to remember my previous link (not SRAM) was a swine at first, but then it got easier the more times i took it off. I'm hoping the same will happen with this one.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Just fitted a SRAM link (dont know if it was a powerlink) to a 105 chain and like another contributor, i had to apply pressure to the cranks to get it to snap together. At this point you know its going to be a swine to undo....and it is :sad:
All the ones I've used have gone together so easily that I've been slightly worried that they might come loose by themselves, but of course the chain tension keeps them done up.


New Member
I use thin angled needle nose pliers to pop the link with little pressure on the pin, it doesn't take brute force at all.

What concerns me is people bending and squeezing the plates to get powerlinks off, SRAM powerlinks don't work that way as they are re-usable and the cheaper split links that do need bending to fit are not considered reusable in the long term either.

Leave them plates alone people, if you are forcing the plates in or out to split the link then something is wrong.


Just use a pair of plumbers pliers, one side of the jaw on the edge of a link, and the other on the edge of the pin from the opposite side link and squeeze together, never fails


Somerset UK
If you only rarely split the chain just buy a few power links, split the chain with a chain tool (rivet extractor), then put it back together with a new (additional) power link. I've ridden with 2 of them in the chain without problems, I'd be happy enough to have three or four. I should add that I've never gone above 8 speed.

I do that on SRAM chains (PC850) if I need to split and rejoin them. On Shimano HG50s I've given up trying to make the joining link work and just push a rivet out and back, with no problems so far on 4 of them. I wouldn't attempt that on the SRAM chains though.
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