Difficulties in disconnecting the power link on my chain.

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New Member
I supposed to replace my old chain after work this evening and initially I thought it would be a 20mins job.
I was told in order to remove the power link; all I need to do is place the pliers on opposing ends of the link and squeeze. However after many attempts (1/2 hrs), I gave up and broke the chain with a chain tool instead.

Can someone show me how to disconnect what supposed to be a quick release?



Formerly just_fixed
wiggle it just a little bit!! wiggle it side to side as rough as you can


Take the stress off the chain gentle press on the side plates whilst compressing the link with your finger and thumb Hey presto:smile: No need to use force.


I have a feeling all power links are different, I usually use KMC chains and they come apart with a wiggle, but I have just fitted an SRAM, and that needed the power link to be snapped into place by applying pressure on the chain by turning the cranks and listening for it to snap shut, and the instructions state that the link can only be opened by a chain tool.


Formerly just_fixed
zacklaws said:
I have a feeling all power links are different, I usually use KMC chains and they come apart with a wiggle, but I have just fitted an SRAM, and that needed the power link to be snapped into place by applying pressure on the chain by turning the cranks and listening for it to snap shut, and the instructions state that the link can only be opened by a chain tool.

wiggle it roughly, then push the link up so it is stuck up on its own, then use pliers diagonally across the outside of the links and squeeze. the wiggling is necessary for some reason, don't know why but it does work on sram. tbh i found them to unreliable and just join the chain using a chain tool.


New Member
bromptonfb said:
wiggle it roughly, then push the link up so it is stuck up on its own, then use pliers diagonally across the outside of the links and squeeze. the wiggling is necessary for some reason, don't know why but it does work on sram. tbh i found them to unreliable and just join the chain using a chain tool.

That's what I have done but no luck...
at the end, it took me almost 2 hrs to change a chain.
(It got dark outside, so have to work with a tourch)


Just looked up my SRAM 10 speed and its fitted with a "Powerlock" which needs to be removed with a chain tool as opposed to a "Powerlink" which can be wiggled free.

To lock the "Powerlock", the amount of force I needed to apply before it cracked into place was to stand on the pedals and bounce on them with the brakes applied as implied in the fitting instructions, no way could I hand pull it shut, so I doubt it could be "wiggled" open either, plus if you do manage to open it by whatever means, they must be replaced as they are use once only.

Think I'll stick to KMC chains.


Legendary Member
As others have written, it's one of those jobs that can frustrate the hell out of you if your technique is wrong. I have also found that you need to squeeze the sides together and the link comes apart with very little effort.

Steve Austin

The Marmalade Kid
If you are not using KMC missing links then start doing so. Sram links have always been a faff. They are well known for being a faff, so do yourselves a favour and buy a better, easier to use product that lacks the faff.

KMC missing link!


Banned member
South West
SRAM powerlinks just need a bit of a tickle! Trying hard with loads of force gets you nowhere fast. Don't bother with pliers either - just use one hand and gently use thumb and forefinger to slide the plates in opposite directions. Never had any trouble even when fitted for 3 years! Perhaps used ones are easier, but I've never had trouble with new ones either!

If we are including times now I'd say I average 5 seconds.


Ive used several different makes, the current KMC one is a barsteward.

I even ground down a pair of long nose pliers once in desperation, and the roller flew apart (split roller pin seperated first) as i compressed the links.

Being rough with it...i'd be careful with 10 speed, i slightly bent the side plates on mine and it was even worse to put back on.

A firm grip on the links either side, keep the links straight, use some paper towel or similar to stop your hands slipping...it takes me about 5 minutes to get mine off. I'm hoping that wear will make it easier.
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