Did you hate school

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My fighting days are long gone. One fight,one win. Retired undefeated. I get knocked down... but did not get up again. Lance Kilvington... 1963.
I think a lot depends on how secure you felt at school. There were gangs in our secondary school (1970's) and some individuals who seemed to enjoy being violent at the drop of a hat. You only had to be in the wrong place at the wrong time to be on the receiving end. Having thoroughly unpleasant people around didn't make for a happy atmosphere.
Primary, don't remember much, secondary was OK but I have no desire to go to any class re-unions or meet up with very many people. Uni, which I went to later was good but the best two years of my life, with fantastic memories, was Art College.


Velo, boulot, dodo
Working's a piece of piss compared to school. At least when I leave work I don't need to remove my tie and try to avoid groups of workers from neighbouring companies.

That said it might be fun to have a big fight with Dixons. If we raided the laboratory I think we could be pretty adequately tooled up.


Can't say I really enjoyed it. Was bullied a lot off and on. Some of my teachers were a bit sadistic. Did well enough in exams but in reality, what they teach at school is mostly irrelevent IMO. Only really enjoyed metalwork and woodwork.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I love/loved learning and the environment hence being a teacher now. I hated the bullying, especially from the bad teachers, but the good teachers more then made up for that.


New Member
Bury, Lancashire
Loved primary school where it was a good thing to be a smart alec (or at least the other kids didn't kick yer teeth in, pin notes to your back, or stick the spike of a compass through your jumper and start rumours about you) but hated secondary school. Just kept my head down there, tried to sneak around without being seen etc which was difficult, being the only white girl in my class, having blonde hair and towering head and shoulders over everyone else...


tyred said:
Only really enjoyed metalwork and woodwork.
Ditto. Loved woodwork. Did it to GCSE-level. Still got the teak coffee table and bookshelf I made when I was 15. And egg rack.

Who else made an egg rack at school?
Maz said:
Ditto. Loved woodwork. Did it to GCSE-level. Still got the teak coffee table and bookshelf I made when I was 15. And egg rack.

Who else made an egg rack at school?

Made a boat which actually floated. I think it was intended to get us to use as many of the tools as possible, because it was a very odd shaped boat!


Hong Kong
Hated every second of school from the age of 5 up.

I truanted more often than not. Stopped going completely at 15. The Police used to find me, frogmarch me back and as soon as they left, I walked out again.

Schooldays are the best days of your life? Complete shite!!!!


I can't say I remember loving it or hating it. I just did it. I think I probably ghosted through. Not exactly a goodie 2 shoes or girlie swat but I don't recall finding anything difficult or getting into any trouble or fights. I just drifted through anonymously. Kind of like I like to live my life.

But an egg rack??? Who puts eggs in racks?
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