Street Hawk said:
However, I have a few concerns:
- The drop handle bars threw up some balance problems. I found it hard to look behind, and couldn't hand-signal without the steering wobbling.
Two tips for looking behind:
1) on the drops - quickly duck your head down and look under your armpit - your view behind is upside down but it's fast and gives you a good view of what's there without taking your hands off
2) on the tops - drop one hand off the bars and down to your side whilst looking forward. Then rotate your body at the hips 30 degrees as you look back - I find, that even with a gammy back that won't let me rotate my neck far enough on it's own I can still see behind by combining hip rotation, limited neck rotation and swivelling my eyes. Then use the hand you dropped by your side to hand signal. If the driver behind is alert, the fact that you dropped your hand to your side should indicate that you are contemplating a manouvre (but don't rely on this...)
Both require a little practice when the road is quiet first, but are very easy habits to pick up.