Diary of a smoker

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South Somerset
6 months today as a non smoker :biggrin:


Still get the odd pang to be honest, although its easy to put it to the back of my mind.

I am much much fitter than 6 months ago, especialy in the recovery.
Well done that man!!!.
The recovery thing is the same for me, I found I was feeling slower, finding it harder and had burning lungs much quicker when I was smoking. Typically I blamed it on age more than smoking, but now I've stopped, I've picked up very noticeably.


A few months ago I posted this:

1 day :cry:
1 week :wacko:
6 weeks :smile:
6 months :thanks:
2 years :wahhey:
For those of you still not smoking take a bow, you deserve it!! A small note of caution though - the work is by no means over. I have given up for 6 months a few times in the past only to get caught out in a moment of weakness. 2 years to really crack it methinks so keep at it and keep clean.​


Hey - I lost over 1lb overnight!

Unfortunately it was most of my left lung...


(Just in case anyone out there might be having thoughts of backsliding....)

Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
^^^That is a good enough reason for me to keep up the hard work of stopping. Hope you are recovering well mate.

I added to this thread ages ago as I stopped around about the same time as Pete. Unfortunately I fell of the wagon and started again. However I have since stopped again and it will be 2 months on Monday and I am determined to keep off them. It's like my doctor told me I am an addict, just like cocaine or heroin and I need to totally leave them alone. Just having one is back on the slippery slope, I should know as I have failed lots of times, and on the other hand I have stopped for 5 years before also and started again.

Well done to everybody by the way.


Legendary Member
Guys, reading the posts and the grit and determination you're all showing makes me proud to be associated with you.

I gave up year before last the day the wife found out she was pregnant. I didn't want those chemicals around a pregnant lady or a baby. Never a heavy smoker, I nevertheless found it very hard for the first 2 months. It helped enormously that I had a reason to quit, but at times it took all of my bloody minded determination.

20 months on I'm fine, no cravings and I know I won't slide back ever. I'm moderately old for a new dad, and I know I've increased my chances of being alive at 60 to see her 18th birthday, so in fortunate in that my motivation is ongoing.

Studies have shown that crack cocaine users have a greater success rate than smokers when quitting, so my respect to each of you with each new day you stay clean. Forget the bankers or fuel companies - the tobacco firms are the real evil.


Thanks Mort - appreciate it. Don't suppose it'll make much difference, but you never know, and 'every little helps', eh? If it can help nudge even one waverer back onto the straight & narrow...

I'm feeling surprisingly ok, as it goes, one week on. A bit on the feeble side...everything takes a bit longer, and I get a bit breathless walking up hills, but overall I can't complain. Nor say enough for the people who helped me...from Aneurin Bevan on.
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