I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
When I was in the local paper shop today I was waiting in line to be served and my eye happened to glance at the fag display and I noticed that L+B where £6.72 a packet HOW MUCH
When I was in the local paper shop today I was waiting in line to be served and my eye happened to glance at the fag display and I noticed that L+B where £6.72 a packet HOW MUCH
I'm in!
Surprised at the volume of response to my own thread and inspired by Pete's efforts I am now a non-smoker (last one, last night).
I will be relying on a combination of snobbery and sheer bloodymindedness to see me through.
Keeping occupied and away from beer will be the keys to success for me, so it's ironic that one of the activities I have lined-up is tackling the homebrew kit that has been gathering dust in the cupboard.
I also happen to know that another CC user is about to give up: come on in, the water's lovely!
It's practically a mortgage
20 marlboro red - £7.04 from tesco
I went onto roll your own, how anyone can afford 20 a day tailor made is beyond me.
I used to smoke 30 a day
Clucking bell, that's over £3800 a year at £7+ a pack, you could buy a real nice buy bike with that, in fact you're gonna aren't you PeteI used to smoke 30 a day
£3854.00 a year if mar red
Clucking bell, that's over £3800 a year at £7+ a pack, you could buy a real nice buy bike with that, in fact you're gonna aren't you Pete
Maybe so, but it'll still be a cracker In fact knowing how you got it will make it priceless to youwell i am only (ha ha) saving a £1000 a year, but thats going on a bike on Dec 31st 2012
I bought a new PC when I gave up a few years ago, but since then the 'extra' has just got swallowed up into the household pot. Years of no pay rise does that to youI know and I did buy a real nice bike and a nice car and am able to buy other nice things on a regular basis as a result of giving up
20 marlboro red - £7.04 from tesco
I went onto roll your own, how anyone can afford 20 a day tailor made is beyond me.