Di2 rookie error

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Hi, I’m brand new to this forum. I stumbled across it while searching for answers to a rookie mistake I inadvertently made.
I’ve just bought a 2023 Merida Scultera with Di2 shifters.
Excited, I took it out of the packaging and attempted to lower the seat post to the right height but it wouldn’t budge. I pulled it out (slowly) to see what was blocking it and when I did, smoke and a burning smell came out of the tube. I have no idea what happened but the gears won’t change or charge.
I have contacted the retailer, but in the event they say it is my fault: A.) What have I done? B.) What needs replacing? C.) How much is it likely to cost?
I’m completely brand new to Di2 shifters as you can guess. Is there any Di2 experts on here who can help?


Kilometre nibbler
Welcome to the forum. :welcome:

Sorry I can't help as I don't know anything about Di2. Hope you get it sorted.


Hi, I’m brand new to this forum. I stumbled across it while searching for answers to a rookie mistake I inadvertently made.
I’ve just bought a 2023 Merida Scultera with Di2 shifters.
Excited, I took it out of the packaging and attempted to lower the seat post to the right height but it wouldn’t budge. I pulled it out (slowly) to see what was blocking it and when I did, smoke and a burning smell came out of the tube. I have no idea what happened but the gears won’t change or charge.
I have contacted the retailer, but in the event they say it is my fault: A.) What have I done? B.) What needs replacing? C.) How much is it likely to cost?
I’m completely brand new to Di2 shifters as you can guess. Is there any Di2 experts on here who can help?

I think the Di2 battery lives in the seat tube. It sounds like there may have been a short circuit.
The Di2 battery, as said above, typically lives in the seatpost and its likely that, and possibly the connecting cabl that has been damaged.

You say that you removed the seatpost slowly so I would challenge the assertion that it was you that caused the failure. How else would you be able to replace the battery further down the line without removing the seatpost? I’d be more inclined to think that things were assembled incorrectly and that contributed to the problem. I’d speak with the bike shop again.
Battery. Like most di2 parts they ain't cheap - probably looking at £150 for a new battery.

That's the downside of Di2 - when a part wears out you can generally kiss goodbye to £200.

What di2 is it ? Ie 105, ulterga, dura ace ?


It’s a 105. I’m gutted that I haven’t been able to try it out! I went on holiday the day it arrived so I spent a week pining for it and the ride I’d do when I got home. I managed to break it before I’d even unpacked my suitcase!


My feel is that it was improperly assembled and that's why it did what it did. I would send it back and ask for a replacement.
It’s very hard to short out anything on a DI2 set up as the connectors are well protected, always possible i suppose. I do wonder though if whoever assembled the bike has accidentally trapped a Di cable in the seat tube some how, thus causing the blockage and then potentially damaging the cable.

It depends if you want the supplier to fix this or you want to do it yourself ?

It’s a simple process of stripping each component and checking it, but why do that on a new bike as it shouldn’t be your issue.


I agree, I’ll have to wait and see what their after sales department comes back with. They should replace it or repair it. But having never had Di2 before I’ve got ‘imposter syndrome’ and have a niggling doubt that somehow they’ll say it’s my fault 😬
I suspect the insulation on one of the connectings into the battery has been stripped allowing it to short.
I'm surprised there's no protection built into the battery to prevent it, unless the burning was a fusable resister going pop.

Fingers crossed you get it sorted. Probably worth watching a few YouTube videos to get clued up on Di2.

FWIW, I have it on one of my bikes. I was sceptical at first, but so far I really like it. That said, all I've done is change gear with it. I've not installed any apps or connected it to the Garmin computer yet.

If you have wireless Di2 (it's just the shifters that are wireless) - at firmware upgrade time, you need a cable and connector doodad (I forget the part numbers) to connect the shifters in order for them to receive any software updates. Intel have just released a security update, so that's probably something to think about doing soon, when your bike is fixed.


CS8 lead out specialist
It’s very hard to short out anything on a DI2 set up as the connectors are well protected, always possible i suppose. I do wonder though if whoever assembled the bike has accidentally trapped a Di cable in the seat tube some how, thus causing the blockage and then potentially damaging the cable.

It depends if you want the supplier to fix this or you want to do it yourself ?

It’s a simple process of stripping each component and checking it, but why do that on a new bike as it shouldn’t be your issue.

^^^ my thoughts in terms of incorrect assembly and someone has caught the cable whilst putting it together, then you moving the seat tube (entirely reasonable) has brought the issue to life.
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