Derailleur protector for P line brompton

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I like my P Line. Nice and shiny. The rear derailleur looks a bit vulnerable if crashed though. Is there a derailleur protector made for the Brompton that will fit the mounting holes there?


Über Member
Treorchy, Wales
I've had a few crashes. Derailleur fine. Chain tensioner too. Never considered it to be particularly vulnerable, compared to damage done to own body.


Über Member
I like my P Line. Nice and shiny. The rear derailleur looks a bit vulnerable if crashed though. Is there a derailleur protector made for the Brompton that will fit the mounting holes there?

I wouldn't worry about it too much. Replacing the derailer isn't expensive and it isn't as vulnerable as you might think. Enjoy your ride. It's a fascinating bike.


Well-Known Member
Finally got a good close up look at the new P line at Brompton Junction Kobe. The rear end seems to be an improvement. I didn't think the derailleur stuck out, at least not compared to normal derailleur bikes. I've crashed an S6R and didn't damage anything in the drivetrain, you'll be fine. This is not a suggestion that you go crash testing your bike.
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