Interesting study Red Light. Not read through this in enough detail yet, but, if this an accurate study, then the conclusion shows positive benefits of helmets in terms of pure head injuries but an alarming trend of the more modern soft shells seeming to be less effective, but effective none-the-less. Neck injuries are the real concern though, consistently higher liklihood of neck injuries with helmets whether in new or old studies. No real surprise that facial injuries are only slightly, and fairly negligably, less likely with helmets.
So, based purely on this, the trade off seems to be whether you value your head or your neck...
Would neck injuries be reduced for helmet wearers if the rotational issues were improved?? I also liked your link about the Phillips superskin helmets the other day. Possibly a cycling version within a year.
At this point we should introduce the dreaded C word. Maybe it would be better if it was introduced, then maybe the focus would shift back to positively improving helmet safety...
Its unwise to look at one paper in isolation. You need to select and critically review the papers in the field to get a proper perspective, as attractive as it is to jump on the first one that agrees with you.