Dauphine 2024 issue with coverage - HELP!!!

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Über Member
Quite dismayed last night watching the highlights of the Tour de Suisse on Discovery+ to find adverts in the programme.

I honestly thought the point of paying for subscription TV was that you paid the premium to do away with adverts.

It doesn't help matters when fast forwarding on Discovery+ is such a hit and miss function as you have no indication of how much to fast forward and have to take pot luck as to when to resume.
Have to admit I'm not a fan of they way fast-forward and rewind works or the timeline for that matter, I don't watch the highlight very often but when I do, when it comes to the adverts I just use the 10 second fast forward to get through them.


Kilometre nibbler
The fact that they just dump a recording as it went out, including adverts, on the streaming service shows what a cheap and nasty setup discovery plus have, compared with the big boys. Other streaming platforms either don't include the adverts or have special streaming only ads that you are forced to watch (or at least watch a part of them). I get the impression that behind the scenes discovery plus is powered by a bloke in a portacabin* with a rack of VHS recorders - and the app was clearly written by an intern with a well thumbed copy of "streaming for dummies".

* A leaky portacabin with doors that won't shut properly, with stains all down the walls, on an industrial estate next to a sewage farm.
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South Wales
Quite dismayed last night watching the highlights of the Tour de Suisse on Discovery+ to find adverts in the programme.

I honestly thought the point of paying for subscription TV was that you paid the premium to do away with adverts.

It doesn't help matters when fast forwarding on Discovery+ is such a hit and miss function as you have no indication of how much to fast forward and have to take pot luck as to when to resume.

It is weird, but they have adverts in the highlights programs, but not in the full programmes.

Although I'm always watching in the evenings rather than live, I watch the recording of the live show, and skip bits. Partly to avoid the adverts, and partly because the "highlights" are usually just the last hour or so of the race anyhow.
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