Cyclists less likely to put out on the first date

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put what out? :blink: :angel: :shy:


Well-Known Member
West Yorkshire
I'm still confused with this expression which, as I said earlier, is new to me. I'm not entirely sure about when it should be used.

Is it correct to refer to a girl as "a fantastic put out", or how about telling someone to "put out off !!"

Any help with this addition to my vocabulary would be appreciated


New Member
If it was one of the Cyclepassion girls, I'd make sure I'd put out
I'm still confused with this expression which, as I said earlier, is new to me. I'm not entirely sure about when it should be used.

Is it correct to refer to a girl as "a fantastic put out", or how about telling someone to "put out off !!"

Any help with this addition to my vocabulary would be appreciated



pre-talced and mighty
a goodly proportion of architects have building-related thoughts during sex, and, worse still, architects with other architects are not averse to talking about buildings during sex. (Since you asked, I asked - lots). (And, yes, guilty). Now I can't remember thinking about cycling during sex, but you can see where there's scope. So..........have you?
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