Cyclist kills pedestrian

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as said, we dont have all the facts, its obviously a terrible accident, as otherwise he wouldnt have stopped..

however, she supposedly was with 8 friends, yet only 1 of friends side put across in these articles, and at 17 you dont really have that much experience of alcohol, and it seems to do more due to your body not being as used to it. the articles also do not tell you how much the friend(s) had been drinking, so we dont know their reaction times etc, i remember drinking over 17 pints, and some shorts when about 17/18 on a pub crawl- and i remember being "absolutely fine" at the end..- at the end of the day, i couldnt have been.. 2 pints of stella is way over the driving limit, accepted, she wasnt driving, but she also wasnt "absolutely fine"
the second article mentions the cyclist caught on cctv, admittedly we dont know if thats right, or if it was the collision or not that was caught, but this may have something to do with "only" the fine..
we have all probably seen kids act like twats playing chicken with us, especially in groups, especially after drinking, and yes, after any youngster dies, they are always noted as being "a little angel who wouldnt hurt a fly/do anything wrong to anyone" - not saying that she was bad, but a lot of them are...
Catrike UK said:
Dangerous cycling. Still no real reports on what happened though, seems to be a lot of conflict in the statements of the eye witnesses.

The family are not happy with the verdict.

BBC News report

Dangerous cycling? I don't recall ever hearing of anyone being convicted of dangerous cycling, wonder if it's a first.
User said:
Interesting that the police spokesman says it is unclear whether she was on the road or pavement.

It'll be interesting whether this goes to appeal. I reckon it will.

I imagine the cyclist will just want it over with and will accept it and move on, I imagine I would, it cannot be good knowing that a girl is dead.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Blimey. Would we have had nine pages of debate about how it might have been the pedestrian's fault if he'd been riding a motorbike or driving a car, I wonder?

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Yes, I understand that. My point was that had he been driving a car, we'd have all been shouting for him to be strung up by the bottom of the first page. (Well, maybe not all of us, but certainly the excitable minority.) As it is, lots of us are saying things like "well, perhaps she was playing chicken with him and she'd had two cans of Stella so she must have been incapable of even standing up and anyway she was a chav so perhaps it wasn't really the cyclist's fault after all." It's just not something we'd have done had a motorised vehicle been involved.


Legendary Member
mickle said:
Dangerous cycling? I don't recall ever hearing of anyone being convicted of dangerous cycling, wonder if it's a first.

It used to be known as "reckless cycling" but it was changed to "dangerous cycling" in the 1991 RTA. The Court can reduce the offence to "careless cycling" at its discretion.

The cyclist was found guilty - and rightly so in my opinion.
Rhythm Thief said:
Yes, I understand that. My point was that had he been driving a car, we'd have all been shouting for him to be strung up by the bottom of the first page. (Well, maybe not all of us, but certainly the excitable minority.) As it is, lots of us are saying things like "well, perhaps she was playing chicken with him and she'd had two cans of Stella so she must have been incapable of even standing up and anyway she was a chav so perhaps it wasn't really the cyclist's fault after all." It's just not something we'd have done had a motorised vehicle been involved.

I think the general tone of the thread is that it is a tragedy and the details are a bit sketchy, at the end of the day the only person who could say if she stepped in front of the cyclist deliberately or not is now dead, any speculation beyond that will always just be speculation.
And now cyclists will have to live with this case as it will constantly be referred to whenever we are deemed to be reckless.

The cyclist in the case seemed to be a arrogant twunt, he could have steered well clear but decided not to. I did a similar thing once whilst out running. A group of teens were walking towards me, blocking the pavement. I could have stepped off the pavement and gone around but barged through them instead, knocking into one girl quite heavily. I regret that action to this day. It was a nasty and unecessary thing to do.


Über Member
He certainly does seem to have been an "arrogant and vile little man" though, I think they got that right. Can you imagine shouting "Get out of the way 'cos I'm not stopping" at a group of young kids and then ploughing straight into them?
Jaded said:
More than twice the fine given the the van driver that killed a cyclist on the Dun Run.

Christ I remember that. He was drunk and on the wrong side of the road by all accounts. The driver that is.

Interesting comparison - it shows the inherent bias in the justice system.


New Member
domtyler said:
He certainly does seem to have been an "arrogant and vile little man" though, I think they got that right. Can you imagine shouting "Get out of the way 'cos I'm not stopping" at a group of young kids and then ploughing straight into them?

I read that he stopped and administered CPR. That's pretty vile and arrogant, isn't it.

What would you shout to a bunch of youths in the road? Something like "I'm not going to stop" which might be interpreted differently?

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