Cyclist kills pedestrian

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Resting in suspended Animation
User said:
Just a point of clarification. Normal CCTV can't actually say what speed you were doing and most speed cameras don't/can't register bicycle speeds (due to lack of mass to trigger the sensors).

The speed is most likely to have been estimated by a traffic officer attending the scene of the accident, perhaps using time elapsed between CCTV images. Not a totally accurate method of measurement.

I'm not having a go at anyone - just a reflection on the poor standards of reporting.

I agree. It seems self evident to me. I remember the case of a milk float once arguing about it's speed using sequential frames from CCTV. All I'm saying is even if we agree on a speed, the impression given in the telegraph is that even on a road, that speed is dangerous. That seems to be innacurate, negligent bordering on malicious reporting.
Twenty Inch said:
To which the response is: "Yes, it's really sad, but 3000 people get killed and 25,000 people get injured by cars every year."

So people are used to it, the fact that this is a rare occurrence is why it will get the press and why the backlash will be large. When someone gets killed by a car it's normal everyday, such is life nothing can be done, one person killed by a bicycle, rare and we will see people calling for cycles to be banned.

Don't expect sense to prevail, although it will still be forgotten within 3 months.


Resting in suspended Animation
Well I suppose! It has been pointed out elsewhere in the same issue we'll all become sterile from cycling!
User said:
I was thinking more along the line of the silly comments of "Oi mate, I almost didn't see you", of which bent riders are so often the recipients...

As opposed to wedgie riders who get "SMIDSY", which would you prefer? Almost didn't see you or didn't see you at all?

I have never had anyone say "almost didn't see you", I have had a few conversations with drivers at lights saying, "don't you worry about people not seeing you?", I ask them if they saw me and they say "that's true", the ones that pull out in front of me are the same ones that pull out in front of trucks or speeding ambulances.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
LOL! Not to worry Catrike, I'm sure you didn't know that the User and I are mates, we just like taking the mickey out of each other. (Oooeeer Mr!).

Mr Pig

New Member
marinyork said:
Motorists regularly underestimate speeds of bikes and pedestrians overestimate them.

They are indeed both hopeless at judging the speed of a bicycle. Riding home tonight, after the guy walking out in front of me reading his paper this morning, a woman overtook me then pulled in right in front of me to pick someone up! I had to brake to avoid running into the back of her car as there was too much traffic behind for me to pull out.

I tapped oh her window and said "excuse me but do you realise that I you stopped right in front of me and I almost ran into the back of you?". She said "I did see you and you were quite far back". I just left it at that but she obviously didn't realise that I was doing nearly twenty-miles-an-hour.

Few car drivers would overtake another car then pull in right in front of it but they seem to make the assumption that once a bike is behind them it moving too slowly to need further consideration.

I hate commuting on a bike! :0(


New Member
Given that bikes on a road can be going anything from about 8mph to 30 plus, I don't find it odd at all that drivers find it difficult to judge speed.

Mr Pig

New Member
Jaded said:
I don't find it odd at all that drivers find it difficult to judge speed.

Cars can cover a far greater speed range than bikes but it's still the responsibility of other road users to judge their speed accurately.

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