I was driving along this road on Friday evening, at 30mph (30 is the limit, it's an inner town road with a housing estate to the left and a play park to the right).
On the left was a cyclist, you'll note the woefully crappy 30cm width bit of paint that the council thought would be helpful... I went to overtake and give the cyclist another couple of metres, checked my mirror, and saw that I was being overtaken by another car doing about 45.. so I had to slow down and remain behind the cyclist. It was a middle aged man in a Golf, not exactly Carlos Fandango. I mean who overtakes in a 30? People are twats, pure and simple.
The irony is that I was behind this bell end for the next 3 miles, so his dangerous manoeuvre won him all of 3 seconds. There's too much of this goes on now.