Cyclist gets turned away from green transport event because of his Brompton.

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I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
No more mucky than a pair of shoes.

Do you often oil your shoes?


If an MP turns up with a Brompton are they made to chain it up with all the other commoners bikes?
Sure i've seen them cycle right in without issue.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
On a Brompton the chain folds in the middle, and is safely tucked out the way, and thus you can’t get oil on other stuff as you lug it around.

I'll remember that fact after you've arrived on a cold wet miserable day and your Brompton has dripped an oily, mucky puddle on my carpet.
Sorry, but your bike can stay outside with the rest of the bikes, e-scooters and cars. My house and the house of parliament is not a garage so let's not expect to treat it like one.
I'll remember that fact after you've arrived on a cold wet miserable day and your Brompton has dripped an oily, mucky puddle on my carpet.
Sorry, but your bike can stay outside with the rest of the bikes, e-scooters and cars. My house and the house of parliament is not a garage so let's not expect to treat it like one.

Why do you drivers get to use my roads as free car storage? (the roads are taxpayer funded, just like the parliament buildings)

It seems that sensible give-n-take would be helpful here.


Legendary Member
Partly open. I had a little toolkit that fitted down mine
There's a perhaps apocryphal or certainly old, story in the chemistry community about someone who used to smuggle mercury out of an industrial site using his bicycle frame. Only got caught when he dropped the bike and couldn't pick it up again (mercury being very dense/heavy). So weird things have been done with bikes, but even so you'd have thought places would be better organised by now.
A sticks of gelignite would fit inside the tube quite nicely, or if they had loose explosive they could just ram it in. The tube itself would create a nice lot of schrapnel.

Would it though? I remember reading some information on this when there was a similar discussion about HoC security and bikes not being allowed chained up near the place, I think in the 9/11 aftermath. Someone who assessed risk apparently had a good look and could only find one example of a bomb inside a bike frame. This was the instance I mentioned above where it was stuffed down the seat post, and when detonated fired the saddle skyward leaving the rest of the bike ridable. As was pointed out at the time, banning car parking in the same area would have been a better way to improve HoC security.


Legendary Member
Would it though? I remember reading some information on this when there was a similar discussion about HoC security and bikes not being allowed chained up near the place, I think in the 9/11 aftermath. Someone who assessed risk apparently had a good look and could only find one example of a bomb inside a bike frame. This was the instance I mentioned above where it was stuffed down the seat post, and when detonated fired the saddle skyward leaving the rest of the bike ridable. As was pointed out at the time, banning car parking in the same area would have been a better way to improve HoC security.
Indeed, allowing car bombs, potentially full of a ton of anfo, yet banning bikes in case there's some gelignite in the tube is plain silly


Senior Member
I'll remember that fact after you've arrived on a cold wet miserable day and your Brompton has dripped an oily, mucky puddle on my carpet.
Sorry, but your bike can stay outside with the rest of the bikes, e-scooters and cars. My house and the house of parliament is not a garage so let's not expect to treat it like one.

Am no whizz with explosives but if this twin ming fight continues my tiny head will explode.

On point. Brommie owner. I think the journo has little grounds for complaint. Though doubtless a good dinner party story for him.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Just the meat and potatoes of a good discussion on CC. Just a bit disappointed that we didn't get more brommie owners going for the jugular.
A sticks of gelignite would fit inside the tube quite nicely, or if they had loose explosive they could just ram it in. The tube itself would create a nice lot of schrapnel.

Bollocks. The tube is likely to split lengthways if it contained an explosive than shatter into lots of bits. Not much in the way of shrapnel.


Legendary Member
Bollocks. The tube is likely to split lengthways if it contained an explosive than shatter into lots of bits. Not much in the way of shrapnel.

Well OK, but an explosive going off inside a steel tube is going to be a lot worse than inside a carboard box; particularly for a high explosive rather than mere gunpowder.
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