Kilometre nibbler
Well, I am an idiot. I've only just realised this incident was in Regents park, not Richmond Park. For some reason I'd seen the word "Regents" before and read it as "Richmond". After that I don't think I bothered completely reading any words beginning "Re".
Anyway. I used to ride up that way sometimes on my Brompton some years back (2015?). Just round the western side of the Park before turning left and heading north. There were indeed a lot of wannabe racers charging round and round like it was a race. I could see how residents could get a bit hacked off.
I guess the council just need to do the stats over a sufficiently long period. If the rate of accidents is sufficiently high then they should introduce calming measures like speed bumps or similar.!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
Anyway. I used to ride up that way sometimes on my Brompton some years back (2015?). Just round the western side of the Park before turning left and heading north. There were indeed a lot of wannabe racers charging round and round like it was a race. I could see how residents could get a bit hacked off.
I guess the council just need to do the stats over a sufficiently long period. If the rate of accidents is sufficiently high then they should introduce calming measures like speed bumps or similar.
I don't know exactly where the incidents occurred other than that reports say "near Hanover Terrace". They could equally well be south of that junction where there is a pedestrian island crossing with no lights. But maybe that's due to me not reading the reports in sufficient detail.!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
both accidents appear to have occurred ^^ here:
Whilst there are two "island crossings" they also have traffic lights with pedestrian buttons. There is no suggestion red lights have been jumped, in the second one the cyclist was on wrong side of road overtaking a car.
One can only assume both pedestrians didn't wait to activate the lights in the relatively sparse early morning traffic, but crossed relying on their senses.!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu