Crankarm said:
I hope the b4stard that hit your gf and failed to stop is caught. Did any one get the car registration or a good look at the driver or even follow them and call the police at the same time?
+1 for all the above good wishes for your gf's recovery and hopefully around to be Mrs MB maybe?
Yes the police were present and got all his details. In fact he has phoned the hospital a couple of times to see if she is ok. He has admitted fault to witnesses and police so that it is one less thing to worry about.
Like I said the guy from Strangeways was brilliant, apparently he stopped all the traffic, made sure she didn't move, got a space blanket out of his boot to keep her warm and phoned the police and ambulance. Amazing, just wish we knew his name to convey our thanks and gratitude.
All these SMIDSY's just make me mad, why can't the drivers slow down and just take a bit of time to assess the road before making their turns?
Thanks for the thoughts, I am going back to see her in a bit and hopefully will return with some better news!!