Cadence is coming on!
My week includes 2 power tests and lots of base/endurance mixed in between. Last night was the first test which had blocks at 3 and 10 minutes. I knew my power PB’s from last year so had target power for each of the 3 and 10 min durations. 3 minutes was up first and boy did the first 90 seconds feel like it was going on forever. Thankfully the second half went quicker once I knew I could dig in and hold in there. PB last year was 412w so I was aiming for 420+ and paced accordingly and hit it. I might have had a watt or two more to give but happy with that. Modest target improvement I know but gains are gains.
20 minute Z2 followed before the 10 minute block. The legs were feeling the previous effort so I had some trepidation as the clock ticked down but I told myself it couldn’t be any harder than the 420w i just put out. Last years PB was 341, target was 350. I set out slightly higher but backed off, put on some tunes and watched the time slowly tick down. feeling half ok i upped the resistance in the final minutes and hit the 350w average I targeted. Not much left in the tank so a good nights work.
Intervals gave me an FTP of 314w based on that. 20 minute test on Thursday evening to look forward to now 🤢 so I’ll do an hour easy this evening.
Them's some good numbers Al. Nice one