I’ve still not got round to setting any firm targets for the year ahead although whilst on my Tenerife training camp (holiday) I’ve possibly maybe been tempted / talked into taking out a race licence again. If I do then I’d be aiming for one race for my club in a 3 day event in June. It’s a cat2 / cat 3 event. Realistically I’d be aiming to be a super domestique for one of the young lads in the team.
Training is going fairly good and my FTP is on a par with my peak last summer so I’m starting off with a good base. I’ve started up a new Garmin training plan with it programmed with June in mind. I’ve set it for the higher hours per week (10-12hrs) which is more than last year but I’m determined to make the effort and get the hours in.
Having said all that today was going to be 3 hours Z2 but in the end I did 90 minutes - I’ll do more tomorrow to make up for it. I think I’m forgiven as yesterday was my daughter’s wedding so a big day emotionally and a late night to boot 😊
It was warm enough to get the legs out too (I notice Norry got the same today too).