Interested to hear, from those who are a bit more dedicated to their training.
When do you know you have reached your limits of physical ability?
I can’t say I’ve reached the limits of my physical ability. If I was a full time athlete dedicated to every aspect of performance then maybe.
I read somewhere that there’s a limit to the peak can reach each year. You are constrained each year by the level of the base you bring to the party. Thus the key to year on year gains is to minimise how much fitness you lose between each year’s peak and the commencement of next year’s training. You might argue, well just keep pushing beyond your peak, but that’s just a path of overtraining and injury. We all need downtime mentally as much as physically from training. Maintaining peak fitness year round just isn’t realistic
There’s also the decline in VO2 Max. But that’s the decline in the genetic potential of your VO2 max, not necessary a decline in the VO2 max you’ve achieved. You may still have room to increase your VO2 max as you age.
To summarise, I think there are limits to how much you can improve each year. But year on year you may still be able to improve. We all need down time, but don’t let your base fall below what it was 12 months ago.
There’s clearly going to be diminishing returns, and that’ll depend on how many hours a week you average for training. I’ve also seen improvements that aren’t linear. I may go for many months with not a lot happening. But then I seem to have breakthroughs and my fitness needle moves again.
I think Roger Bannister’s coach said that training is largely an act of faith. I’d agree. You have to believe and trust in the training you are doing. It takes time to see results, after initial beginner gains, and it can be easy to ease off or give up in periods when not a lot appears to be changing.