Took my workout on the roads tonight a 30/30s session it had been gloriously sunny and hot all day but after changing I went back to the living room to grab my sunnies at which point I decided it was wiser to grab the clear reactolights. I thought Id turned away from the clouds and had managed to stay dry but just as I was in the cool down it started to spit. So after the cool down I decided to do more 30/30s to stay dry'ish and warm. I thought I had done that until I took the shoes off and the socks said otherwise. Apart from that I think the workout went well I deliberately spun a bit above the target to account for that indoor out door thing and get my HR/ breathing to touch the VO2max zone. I probably should have done it on the TT bike but I did it on the road bike as I feel more confident with that giving it a 30s blast then 30s freewheel down hill
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It was just one of my regular training routes. Down Bullock Road to Hammerton, across to Alconbury Weston and then back up the Old A1 to Peterborough. I had stayed dry until the old A1
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Actually I like Garmin’s power map better View attachment 695941
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Oh and as I often do I stopped at Orton Mere when finished for a few photos.
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How come you always look so cheerful?