From your post just above I'm already learning!
I've gone for the OmniPod pump as it looked to have a clear advantage over the other pumps on offer (including the new Roche Accu-Chek one) because it's a single unit and there aren't any tubes between the pump and the infusion set.
As far as I can work out the only disadvantages will be the size and possibly the weight of the 'pod'. As it's not possible to test these issues out in advance I hope they won't cause me any problems. However, I can immediately see the issues of using pumps with tubes in relation to the problems you've mentioned above so I hope I've made the right decision for me.
Right, let's get back to cycle chat!
From your post just above I'm already learning!
I've gone for the OmniPod pump as it looked to have a clear advantage over the other pumps on offer (including the new Roche Accu-Chek one) because it's a single unit and there aren't any tubes between the pump and the infusion set.
As far as I can work out the only disadvantages will be the size and possibly the weight of the 'pod'. As it's not possible to test these issues out in advance I hope they won't cause me any problems. However, I can immediately see the issues of using pumps with tubes in relation to the problems you've mentioned above so I hope I've made the right decision for me.
Right, let's get back to cycle chat!