Cycling whilst drunk? Should I?

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Active Member
Well, if car drivers are not allowed to drive when they are drunk it is pretty the same for bike riders... Of course I'm not sure a bike rider will kill someone coz the biker was drunk but still the rider is dangerous for itself... and could be kill by a car driver... Take a cab, a bus or blag a lift....


A Velocipedian
Or if you know you are going to drink DON'T CYCLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Mscott said:
Well, if car drivers are not allowed to drive when they are drunk it is pretty the same for bike riders... Of course I'm not sure a bike rider will kill someone coz the biker was drunk but still the rider is dangerous for itself... and could be kill by a car driver... Take a cab, a bus or blag a lift....
Whilst I'd agree it's probably not a good idea to cycle if you're completely bladdered (though can't say I never have), I reguarly ride after 4 or 5 pints but tend to use the cycle path which runs most of the way to the pub we use. Really don't see the problem.


A Velocipedian
Well this topic is cycling whilst drunk. As to my knowledge there is no B/A.L (Blood/Alcohol Limit) for cycling or a clinical definition of "being drunk" [please correct me if I am wrong on either point] each person needs to use their own judgement. IMHO 4 or 5 point over an evening for many would be nothing (unless we are talking Special Brew or the like) but for a few it may cause the "Superhuman" morphing mentioned earlier.

Dave Davenport said:
Whilst I'd agree it's probably not a good idea to cycle if you're completely bladdered (though can't say I never have), I reguarly ride after 4 or 5 pints but tend to use the cycle path which runs most of the way to the pub we use. Really don't see the problem.


Smutmaster General
montage said:
I think you will be amazed how comfortable lamposts can be when the head is "a little cloudy"
Madness: Lovestruck

Staggering home, the headlights throw a shadow up and upon
Friends and loved-ones that have done no wrong,
But no longer mean anything to me.
Oh am I mumbling on, into a crystal glass that echoes a song?
The enticement invites you along a path of exterior colour.


Oh, Lovestruck, I've fallen for a lamppost,
Giving her my utmost, spilling out my deepest feelings.
Lovestruck, I've fallen for a lamppost,
Giving her my utmost, spilling out my deepest feelings.
Now all I want to do is snuggle up to you.
A night-cap in the early morning dew.
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