I get this manure all the time. It winds me up. On Monday, I was doing a leisurely recce, of a short (mostly park / path) route, near me, so I could get a couple of friends, who are wavering about whether or not to cycle, to improve their health , out on their bikes. I was on my (favourite) cheap as chips, triggers broom bike (an old BTWIN Riverside Hybrid). There was one section which took me onto a road. Lo and behold, a FPKW, who seemed be out with some sort of mini douche version of himself, passed way too close, then turned round and told me "you should be on the cycle path riding that thing so slowly". Then he started shouting at the mini douche about how the mini douches cadence a had dropped below 70, "come on Tarquin, don't forget to spin", "POWER Tarquin, POWER", etc. etc. etc. I laughed so hard I nearly wobbled in front of a bus. In short, do it for your own reasons, on whatever bike you want, screw the golf club brigade.