@bpsmith you know me too well, the guy I was refer to that called me materlistic was a guy over on youtube, can't remember quite why he did, but it something to wit the God v Science thing, I had posted some false images of Nibiru look it up if you want earth changing event this Sept apparently well you know how conversations can go,
I built my current system about 4 years ago, intel Quad core Q9400 with 8Gb of ram, it currently sports 3 1TB drves 2x250GB and 2x160GB a resonable graphics card, it has had two in at times sporting up to 4 displays, (do a lot of photography and dable and some 3D Art renders, not that I am good at that) total build cost no more than say £600 excluding monitors. Its performance has only recently dropped out of the top 500 processors.
His next post to me was what kit he was getting, total cost over $20,000, now he might make a living at it, so I can understand that, but to call me materlistic, and in the next post, boasting (or seeming to) that amount of money, well.............