Cycling Shorts - How many miles between washes?

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A further confession ... When I commute I wear boxers underneath. I know it's wrong but I have to change in a meeting room at work and wouldn't want to alarm my female colleagues any further.

I wear sports boxers - I don't see a problem with it and ive been doing it for years without any discomfort. Don't know why everyone complains tbh
I wear sports boxers - I don't see a problem with it and ive been doing it for years without any discomfort. Don't know why everyone complains tbh
I've found the occasional pair of boxers on a long trip might be uncomfortable (their hem or they are not seated right) but on the whole I've not had a problem and prefer to wear them. I like to wear a thin pair, they seem to work best for me.


Legendary Member
I wear sports boxers - I don't see a problem with it and ive been doing it for years without any discomfort. Don't know why everyone complains tbh

I think each to their own. I know when I started my longer commute and wore boxers, I had trouble with saddle sores. So I swapped to commando, and hey presto, problem solved. I guess my nether regions are just not hard core enough :-) Ahem.


Lover of things that come in 3's
Come be honest.... how many of the "all my kit after every ride" people are men who dump it in the wash basket and it magically appears all clean and fresh the next time you need it? I'm one btw..

Nope, as division of labour in our house the laundry falls to me, so I do the washing and ironing for all 5 of us...I average about 8/9 loads per week including bedding and towels. As part of all that my cycling clobber isn't any additional effort at all, especially as none of it needs ironing.

I do insist the boys put away their own laundry and I ask that all of them put their dirty washing in a pile on the upstairs landing each day. You'd be amazed(or maybe not) by how many times I have to complain about laundry not making it the couple of yards from bedroom floors to upstairs hall floor. Sometimes I even ask one of them to carry the pile downstairs...the eye rolling, 'Kevin the teenager' slouching I get in response is almost poetic, and that's just from Jane :biggrin:


back and brave
Yes, I'm a bloke. Yes, I put my sweaty (or not so sweaty) cycling gear in A laundry basket (we have a separate one for cycle/gym gear). Usually, I carry it to the washing machine, load it and set it going but sometimes my wife does. I even hang it out on the line (shock horror), bring it back in when it's dry and fold it. It's "usually" me that does it since I'm more inclined to know when it needs doing. There's no task sharing as such, sometimes it all even happens without the other knowing about it, it just gets done as and when.
Oh that would be handy where can I purchase such a magical washing basket from ?

Dunno, but the thing fascinates me. I think its some sort fairy involved. It actually fascinates me that much that I sometimes take clean washing out of the cupboard and put it straight back in the basket again.


Nr Cambridge
Come be honest.... how many of the "all my kit after every ride" people are men who dump it in the wash basket and it magically appears all clean and fresh the next time you need it? I'm one btw..
It gets dumped in the laundry basket & then I deal with it at the end of the week... it's scary I recently did a hhome contents insurance audit to make sure I wasn't under insured... if I were to replace all my cycling clothes on a new for old basis I'd be looking at a £3500-£4000 payout (take 3x light weight bib-knickers... that's £290 @ RRP :ohmy:)


A Human Being
Come be honest.... how many of the "all my kit after every ride" people are men who dump it in the wash basket and it magically appears all clean and fresh the next time you need it? I'm one btw..

I always wash my own cycling gear, I would never let my Mrs. touch my precious cycling gear :tongue:, to her there just clothes :wacko:.
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