Cycling in the rain is no fun!

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Über Member
I only get sundays for cycle time..This weather is starting to get on my nerves.
Cut short my usual 30 miler..managed 12 miles,The expression drowned rat springs to mind

This rain must let up soon..who's persevered the rain this're a better/wetter person then me.


im a little tea pot
im resting up ready for my first century tuesday otherwise id have been out in it! i love the rain its the gusts of wind that screw me over


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Now you know how it feels to live in the west of Scotland ^_^. We had rain followed by more rain for the whole of last summer, while the south east was burning up. Ironically, today we have blue skies and a gentle breeze. Cold though!

I know some of the hardier types on here disagree, but I'm with you; cycling in the rain is no fun :sad:.


Internet Marketing bod
Having spent considerable time cleaning and lubing the chains on both my bikes (and following a week of shite weather commuting) I decided to give it a skip today.

Rain doesn't really trouble me, but headwinds get very weakening, and Suffolk is quite flat!


Well-Known Member
Horsham, UK
Stayed in bed. I'm now avoiding going out except to commute now (long way back if it isn't raining, roads aren't too wet), too much maintenance, and I'm running low on lube/degreaser everything.
On the commute again today so I am guaranteed a soaking and a blow dry on the way in later. Hopefully it will be dry by the time I leave for home and with a gentle tail wind to boot looking at the current forecast. Silver lining and all that... ^_^


Stunning nice day here - 24C and sunny. But, only 2 more Sundays and we head back to the land of rain. I tend to avoid riding in the wet over here - the potholes are treacherous and fill up water making them invisible. I came off the bike in the rain when I first got here and have not really had the courage to venture out on 2 wheels when it is more than a light drizzle.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Cycling and rain dont go together.
Narrow tyres on wet roads is treacherous.
Rain constantly slashing your face is very annoying.
When it rains, the best place is at home dreaming of better days.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Stunning nice day here - 24C and sunny. But, only 2 more Sundays and we head back to the land of rain. I tend to avoid riding in the wet over here - the potholes are treacherous and fill up water making them invisible. I came off the bike in the rain when I first got here and have not really had the courage to venture out on 2 wheels when it is more than a light drizzle.
3 degress and a gale that look like its blowing what is turning into sleet .... wimped out of a club run that normaly heads to Ashbourne.


Well-Known Member
Collected my first road bike yesterday, a shiny new specialized secteur elite. Can't bring myself to take it out in the pouring rain! Probably safer to wait for dry weather anyway as will be my first ride with clip in pedals, new gears to get used to, thin wheels etc so contending with rain too is a bit much!

Hip Priest

I don't mind a bit of rain, but really heavy rain is a no-no. It held off for my 50 miler yesterday, but on Thursday I got absolutely bloody drenched coming home from work. My gloves still haven't dried out.


Somerset UK
I agree with the OP. I don't like cycling in the rain and generally only do so if it starts while I'm out.

The worst bit is where there's oil on the roads. Water + Oil on tarmac isn't fun.

At least brakes now work in the wet.

(Some of us remember steel rims).

Pedal pusher

Now you know how it feels to live in the west of Scotland ^_^. We had rain followed by more rain for the whole of last summer, while the south east was burning up. Ironically, today we have blue skies and a gentle breeze. Cold though!

I know some of the hardier types on here disagree, but I'm with you; cycling in the rain is no fun :sad:.
cool avatar sums this part of the world up but when the sun does shine.....................:wahhey:
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