Cycling for fitness (and now fun)

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Well-Known Member
I took up cycling with the sole aim of getting fitter and losing some weight. I didn't realise, at the time, just how much I would enjoy the activity, but I do.

Looking at the beginner section, I see a number of people have also joined up for the same reason. How are people doing with their goals?

Speaking for myself, I am slightly disappointed. In the 4 weeks that I've been cycling I have lost the grand total of 1lb ! That's 1lb in spite of watching my calorie intake and getting out as much as I can (I only cycle for leisure, not commuting). I have done a grand total of 215 miles in that 4 weeks. Not a huge amount compared to most people here, but a lot of sweat, huffing and puffing and aching legs for me! I am trying to mitigate my disappointment by telling myself that the increase in muscle is offsetting the reduction in fat... Whether that is true or not I don't know. I *feel* a lot better, and I *feel* a bit thinner.

I'm not going to give up on the cycling, as I enjoy it far too much, but I would be interested in other people's efforts and results, particularly if weight loss has not been as dramatic as expected. Are we simply not expending more than we are consuming?


... I'm now off out for my regular 15 mile loop ^_^:bicycle:

EDIT: It's started tipping down, so the start has been delayed :smile:

EDIT 2: And I meant to post this in the beginners section!
Moved by MODS :okay:
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Über Member
I started august last year for pretty much the same reason. Have lost about 1.5 stone ish.

Keep enjoying it and the weight will come off. BTW, I have not changed my diet at all but for the sole reason of weight loss you'll need to address your diet for best results obviously.


Pro sandbagger
South Derbyshire
I`v gone down from a 34" to a 30" waist, sweat less and feel much more energetic since I (re)started cycling in August last year.

I`d like to mention the mental benefits you also get from cycling. I work long hours (over 50 hours a week) and going out for a ride gives me time to think about things and seems blow all the cobwebs away.... Its a reeeeet stress buster :highfive:

Spike on a bike

Über Member
I been cycling again for over a year and hadn't lost anything , hadn't gained anything but this weekend while weighing suitcases for holiday it seems I've lost half a stone in two weeks.
Not sure if it's the extra miles or if I should worry.
If it's the latter I'll worry after my holidays


Devotee of OCD
Firstly congrats on making an effort to lose some weight / getting fitter and getting out and doing it ! The scales dont always tell the whole story im sure......

I've gone from 16 stone 8 lbs, to 13 stone 6bs in just over 3 months, with diet and walking or cycling (Sometimes both) every single day. "Little and often" being my mantra.

I havn't even researched diet or exercise very much. I just took in the words of that obnoxious cow Katie Hopkins: "Eat less - move more" !

On nice / dry days i cycle approx 12-15 miles before work. If its a bit more miserable i walk for an hour to an hour and a half and try to maintain a 4mph 4-6 miles total. That alone burns off nearly 900 calories for example according to the Strava app.

That sort of exercise, coupled with watching calories = weight should be falling off. You sure your doing that many miles ? Or sure about the calories your eating ?

Have you tried doing a food diary to make sure your not missing anything out ?

Good luck and ride safe.



Well-Known Member
Hi Shuv, your post on weight loss was a great one to read!

I measure my mileage with Map-My-Ride, and now also with a Garmin 200, so I'm pretty sure that it is there or thereabouts. I also count my calories with MyFitnesspal (as it integrates with Map-My-Ride). I religiously log everything!

Currently I have a daily 'limit' of 1740 calories, and I haven't gone over it apart from one occasion (couple of extra Mojitos :smile:). My calorie-burning from cycling is not used to top-up my food intake.

OK, I could be slightly out with my calorie measurements, but the difference would be very small I would have thought. Same with the calories burned by cycling. Some apps state a much larger amount burned than others, but in any event, I don't use those calories as a 'food bank' at all. They would be pure weight loss I would have thought?

My first few weeks of cycling weren't very regular (work/weather), but the last two weeks have been more regular, with around 60 miles each week. However, my weight, which started at 248lbs, dropped to 246lbs last week, and then up to 247lbs when I measured this morning. Funny thing is, I do 'feel' a bit thinner, even if my clothes aren't exactly dropping off me!

January 2014 I was 212lbs and that's what I would like to be in the region of again (for some reason my Doctor thinks I should be 182lbs, but I haven't been that weight since school! I am 6' 1" tall).

I think the short answer is, that I'm not burning more than I'm consuming, for whatever reason, and I need to burn more and/or consume less. Or I just need to accept that this is a long-term thing and just enjoy my cycling as mentioned by the others?

Thanks for the advice and encouragement everyone :smile:
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Devotee of OCD
I think the short answer is, that I'm not burning more than I'm consuming, for whatever reason, and I need to burn more and/or consume less.

That would seem to be true sitting here !

I would guess i'm consuming 'around' the same amount of calories as you. Maybe slightly less.

At times i've weighed myself daily - and the weight has literally been dropping 1 or 2 pounds from day to day depending on what i've been upto exercise wise.

Does your Garmin or your app not tell you anything about calories burned ? It should be pretty easy to get some of, idea and cross-reference the two to find out what is or isn't happening !


Well-Known Member

I didn't start using the Garmin until about 2 weeks in (and it keeps losing Satellite lock so not that accurate), but the difference between MMR and Strava is about 25%-30%. I have my full height and weight in MMR, so that might account for the difference, but I don't take either as gospel.

I guess I will just have to carry on and see how things are this time next month, though I do have Glastonbury next week, which is bound to play havoc with my new-found health regime (I'll poke up with that though :smile:)


Devotee of OCD
Just FYI Cadire,

I've biked / fast-walked for an hour twice on Thursday, and then once on Fri, Sat and this morning: Sunday. Im also very active in my job to be fair........

Every day i've had a couple of pieces of fruit for breakfast, crackers with cottage cheese on and a little salad for dinner; and a large portion of whatever the wife cooks for tea (No other snacks) !.......and i've lost 4-5 lbs since i weighed myself last Wednesday.



I've been far more active since February, mixture of running, gym and cycling. I've dropped a couple of pounds, not a huge amount but clothes definitely fit better ^_^. However, what I have noticed over the last month or so is that I feel far stronger, my average speeds are creeping up, hills don't knacker me like they used to (well, the little ones at least!) and I'm just finding it easier and more enjoyable!

As I use a combination of Runkeeper and Garmin connect to track progress I find that helps keep the motivation up, achieving small personal bests really helps (well me anyway), also as I do quite a lot of the cycling with the brother-in-law I find that keeps motivation up as well, that said we do end up having a pint or two after each ride so it does negate a little of the benefit!! :cheers:


World class procrastinator

Thats impressive.......
Hubster not so impressed though, as I have had to go and buy a couple of pairs of new jeans and a load of new tee shirts as the old ones just hang off me. Not to mention the fact that I can climb hills so much better than he can and he doesn't like it. Actually, I think he is unimpressed with the whole weight loss thing.

Thank you for your comment. I am much happier now I take up a lot less tapemeasure :smile: Being smaller and lighter, really helps with the fitness and riding. I highly recommend it :smile:


World class procrastinator

Thats impressive.......
Hubster not so impressed though, as I have had to go and buy a couple of pairs of new jeans and a load of new tee shirts as the old ones just hang off me. Not to mention the fact that I can climb hills so much better than he can and he doesn't like it. Actually, I think he is unimpressed with the whole weight loss thing.

Thank you for your comment. I am much happier now I take up a lot less tapemeasure :smile: Being smaller and lighter, really helps with the fitness and riding. I highly recommend it :smile:
@Cadire I worked it out to lose about 1lb in body fat I need to ride about 350miles, because most of the cals you use will be carbs, in my case about a 25/75% split I use about 40-50 cals a mile (figures vary depending which gps recording and site I use) so you can see that it takes a lot of miles, the big plus and this is as important as weight loss is the improved cardio/vascule system you get. My max HR is supposed to be in the region of about 170bpm according to my age, my doc seems to get worried when I tell her I can hit 175 with no issue.
This last month I have done 500 miles and should have lost about 1 1/2 lb's, I don't really weigh myself that much, @sevenfourate you can lose 1-2lb just by going to the loo, daily weighing isn't really a good idea for general weight loss as there are too many variations to consider, once a week or once a month would give a better idea, a normal ride for me of about 2 hrs would see me lose 0.11lb or just over an oz, to small to be really measured on most bathroom scales, my cycling like your walking is about the 900cals/hr, the other thing is the lower the HR whilst exercising will burn more fat than carbs, so a steady flat ride will burn more fat than an intensive one with lots of climbs.
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