Blockend - why accuse others? That's the bit I don't get. You're addressing people who spend their working lives thinking about this stuff and trying to move things forward, and others who have spent years plugging away at councils, and typifying them as 'The Campaign' and 'lycra-clad', suggesting that they are in some way elitist.
You want a cycle path down the side of an A-road - go to it. Just don't expect me to join in. I'm asking my council to block off rat-runs and persuading young people to take up cycling. How is that letting the side down?
You keep bringing up the CTC. Why?
I think I brought up the CTC once, in response to someone suggesting people (me?) might have some issue that had nothing to do with the current debate. I thought it was a cheap shot but readers are apt to form judgements on less, so it's worth nipping in the bud. To bring it up again, after 30 years membership I decided it doesn't do what the label suggests, my decision entirely and long overdue.
From joining the thread familiar characters hove into view, the Straw Man and his chum Ad Hominem. I was accused of attacking 'people' while attacking nothing but an idea despite taking quite a bit of fire myself. The dedicated working lives stuff I'm not buying. To use the aphorism about a plan lasting as long as the first assault, any look at a dozen randomly chosen British locations will confirm utility cycling is a mixed picture at best. How we got there and how we get out of it seems very much open to debate.
As for elitist, well the vehicular cycling model seen in action does have something of the martial about it, though I wouldn't condemn fit people from approaching things that way, I do it myself and I'm long past my best. I'm questioning how significant it is as a way of getting more people cycling.