Cyclechat investigates...the Moon landings

Moon landings - the real deal, or fake news?

  • Real! Only a no good pinko commie would suggest otherwise.

    Votes: 50 74.6%
  • Fake! It was set up by the Rand Corporation and the Freemasons.

    Votes: 17 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Leg End Member
I was only one and a half, so don't remember it, although my Dad assures me I watched it on the box.

It could be a hoax, but if it is then who has been up there and deposited the Apollo remains and astronauts footprints on the surface? Even our finest robots couldn't do that for us today.


Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I'm not going to talk about the actual event as that's better mentioned on Saturday,which is the 50th anniversary of the the first moon landing. :smile: Listening to conspiracy theories over the years has made me slightly think that maybe it was faked. I'd go for 85% real and 15% faked if someone asked me if I was 100 percent sure it happened.
I was sure I'd seen it on the school telly too, but I can't have because it was at 9:20pm in the middle of the school holidays.
Anyone with the power to plant such false memories could easily fake a moon landing. Definite hoax.
I too remember seeing it on the telly at primary school. Roundabout lunchtime or early afternoon? All gathered together in the hall. Maybe I was aware it was a rerun, I don't remember.
Though i collected various stuff to do with it I very much have the impression that it was more amazing to adults than us kids. Kids take so many things for granted I think, because they have so little idea of the past I suppose. Earlier in the space prog, maybe couple of years before, I also remember a teacher pondering whether it was a great waste of money and effort. Lots of probs back down on earth in the states if course.
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West Yorks
I too remember seeing it on the telly at school. Roundabout lunchtime or early afternoon? All gathered together in the hall. Maybe I was aware it was a rerun, I don't remember.
Though i collected various stuff to do with it I very much have the impression that it was more amazing to adults than us kids. Kids take so many things for granted I think, because they have so little idea of the past I suppose. Earlier in the space prog, maybe couple of years before, I also remember a teacher pondering whether it was a great waste of money and effort. Lots of probs back down on earth in the states if course.
In all honesty your teacher was right, it was a waste of money & effort, however as part of the bigger picture set against the Cold War, it was just another battle in the ultimate goal of bankrupting the Soviet Union & the other eastern block countries by forcing the Soviets to be involved in the space & arms race that they couldn’t really afford, it was just a waiting game, hoping that no one pushed the button and blew the world to kingdom come first.


Legendary Member
It was real because I want to believe it was real.

Apart from that Niel Armstrong was obnoxious at times and someone involved in NASA with a grudge, would have grassed him up by now.


I must be the only one that does not even care.All i see since 1969 is a crap hole world and society.Landing on the Moon has done nothing apart from gadget technology.Real or Fake underwhelmed.
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