Anybody ever think that a lot of these "morbidly obese people on scooters" are that way because of conditions that inhibit their mobility? farked hips mean you can't move around so you don't exercise so you put on weight and you get depressed so you eat more and the extra weight exacerbates your pain etc etc?
A lot of those people you see on mobility scooters today used to be called housebound and were invisible.
Somebody mentioned you hardly see them in France. Makes me think there's a lot of sad, lonely people confined to their homes in France.
Not if my Mum's selling it they aren't. My dad got one early last year, an ex-demo model for £1200, used it twice but old age and illness meant he couldn't get it in and out of the car. Mum sold it for £1200My only experience with mobility scooters is selling one after my MIL passed away.
Advice: if you're buying, get a second hand one. They're almost worthless, lost about 80% of value, used all of twice. Was bought by a guy who buys them up here and ships to Poland, no demand here apparently.
it seems to be the way your brought upThe gluttony is very much in evidence around here. Over the festive period i've seen plenty of disgusting vomit droppings on the pavements. When you see these things most appear to be vomited food,rather than spewed up beer. I saw one the other day outside a pub. It must've been the biggest spew pile i'd ever seen!I bet it measured around 2 feet in diameter
. My thoughts were 'that person has probably vomited up more food than i have in a week'! Stuffing crap down one's throat now seems to be the norm.
You are Davros, this is the Dalek thread...Do they need improvement, what needs to be done ?
better handling, all terrain capability, built in sat-nav, drive me home from the pub, bum warmer or just some sexy go faster stripes ?
I’d be happy with a hover option (to negotiate steps) but fear it won’t be available in my lifetime.
What does the team think ?
I think that same seeing the price tag on some bikesI was in a local shopping center yesterday and saw a mobility scooter for £10,000To be fair it did have flashy LED headlights and alloy wheels but £10K for an electric buggy