Joey Shabadoo
My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
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A while back there was 300,000 in the UK and only 3,000 in France which has about the same populations, to this day I cannot think of this is a good or bad thing.
Tells you a lot about the cultural differences.
Osteo arthritis unfortunately , I ache for 2 days after almost every ride, pedalling seems to aggravate the hips more than walking.OA I hope does not mean old age.
Osteo arthritis unfortunately , I ache for 2 days after almost every ride, pedalling seems to aggravate the hips more than walking.
I agree with the comments that not every obese person is to blame for their condition.
This past summer I was squeezed out of my seat in the ferry lounge by two fat wimmen. One went off to the cafeteria and came back with a double portion of chips and two maxi burgers each. I wonder why they were fat?
That's actually a very good point that maybe helps @screenman make up his mind.Anybody ever think that a lot of these "morbidly obese people on scooters" are that way because of conditions that inhibit their mobility? farked hips mean you can't move around so you don't exercise so you put on weight and you get depressed so you eat more and the extra weight exacerbates your pain etc etc?
A lot of those people you see on mobility scooters today used to be called housebound and were invisible.
Somebody mentioned you hardly see them in France. Makes me think there's a lot of sad, lonely people confined to their homes in France.
In which way though?
Maybe they were not gifted with self control, not everyone has it. Maybe stress and they reached out to food for comfort, who knows, certainly just educating is not working.
The gluttony is very much in evidence around here. Over the festive period i've seen plenty of disgusting vomit droppings on the pavements. When you see these things most appear to be vomited food,rather than spewed up beer. I saw one the other day outside a pub. It must've been the biggest spew pile i'd ever seen!We’re the most Obese country in Europe, so something’s not working. We’ve become a nation addicted to eating shite.