Cycle2Work conspiracy investigation!

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bonj said:
An office witch-hunt never goes amiss.


Legendary Member
Panter said:
When we set ours up, I'm pretty certain that it HAD to be available to everyone, or all permanet staff anyway.

All the gumph is at work now, but if you haven't had an answer by tomorrow I can have a look through if you like?

Fairly certain that the wording on the Gov web site that refers to the scheme states fairly robustly that the schems has to be made available to all employees. No discrimination. All or none.

I quote:

1) Who is eligible?

Employers of all sizes across the public, private and voluntary sectors can implement a tax exempt loan scheme for their employees. To maximize the benefit of implementation, it is desirable that participation in a scheme should be as broad as possible. To qualify for the tax exemption, the cycles and cyclists' safety equipment loaned by the employer under the scheme must be available to employees generally and not be confined to directors or offered to them on more favourable terms.
What you can do (I don't think it has been said?) is to phone the C2W office and ask if your company is on there list? If they ask why you don't just ask your work just say that the HR team is all new and there all car drivers so you get blank looks when you start talking about cycling.


Senior Member
You have to be careful investigating these things. I watched a film once and the investigating guy had a big dossier that he was going to hand over to the authorities. Then he died in a mysterious accident.

However, everything was ok in the end 'cos a much better looking guy, a foxy-looking chick and a recovering alcoholic lawyer found the dossier and exposed the whole thing. And then the good looking guy and the foxy chick had sex.


back and brave
spandex said:
phone the C2W office and ask if your company is on there list

I think that that's the answer then. Certainly given that the regs are quite clear that the scheme has to be open to all employees.


Legendary Member
spandex said:
What you can do (I don't think it has been said?) is to phone the C2W office and ask if your company is on there list?

Not sure I understand this. What C2W office and what list?
As far as I know schemes are self administered, some cycle shops (Halfords, Wiggle and so on) assist with the purchase of the equipment but it is the participating companies own HR/Payroll that carry out the admin themselves. No company has to register to a list and there is no governmnet C2W office.

For example, a small (or large) business offers the scheme. Simple contract drawn up, stating duration of scheme and how much it will cost. Employee goes and buys a bike, gives the invoice to the HR/Finance bods who recover the VAT, adjust wages for the salary sacrifice, adjust the NI contributions. Errrr ........ that's it.
Proto said:
Not sure I understand this. What C2W office and what list?
As far as I know schemes are self administered, some cycle shops (Halfords, Wiggle and so on) assist with the purchase of the equipment but it is the participating companies own HR/Payroll that carry out the admin themselves. No company has to register to a list and there is no governmnet C2W office.

For example, a small (or large) business offers the scheme. Simple contract drawn up, stating duration of scheme and how much it will cost. Employee goes and buys a bike, gives the invoice to the HR/Finance bods who recover the VAT, adjust wages for the salary sacrifice, adjust the NI contributions. Errrr ........ that's it.

Come on Proto !

C2W = Cycle 2 Work

and it's not self administered have a look and the Phone number for the OFFICE is at the bottom of the page!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

I sent cyclescheme a fishing email yesterday right along the lines of your suggestions, asking for our employer code as HR "wasn't available". However it's not certain the company would have went through them, there seems to be no central office as such as Proto said. Cyclescheme do seem to be used by most LBS's around here though.

I have to be quite careful as I don't want to alert Dft / HMRC to a tax breach, we've only just had our arses fined off by them.

I do now have some suspects that have used the scheme, however it'll be far too messy throwing accusations about so fishing the local shops/schemes seems the only chance of success.

We don't have a union, but have an employee forum, which are largely ineffective (they were tipped months ago).


Just call me Chris...
I'm sorry, I couldn't find that paperwork (buried under a ton of stuff I presume) but Proto has confirmed my thoughts.

Don't forget of course that even some bike shops have their own in-house schemes so it may be difficult to trace if they're not using cycle scheme or their own system.

Could you not ask in a few LBS's if they deal with XXXXX employer under a cycle 2 work scheme ?


Just call me Chris...
spandex said:
Come on Proto !

C2W = Cycle 2 Work

and it's not self administered have a look and the Phone number for the OFFICE is at the bottom of the page!!!

It can be seld-administered though, as long as you have a HR office that can be bothered to ensure all the regs are complied with.
Cyclescheme sprung up to cash in on the fact that many can't/haven't (we haven't for one) but I suspect most large companies will self administer.

Saying that though, cycle scheme is the easiest option, they charge the LBS not the employer so it's in the employers interest to just go with cycle scheme or similar I would think?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Just be careful where you get the information from and who you ask as you could get them in trouble.

Whilst I was serving my notice period from my last company, my boss decided to withdraw my pay rise (back dated). I found out just before the payroll was run, as I just so happened to be Financial Controller. He also did it to another member of staff that was serving notice. Another employee, that was also leaving, but had a different boss, got his pay rise... What my boss failed to realise is that an employee is entitled to the same T&C's whilst serving notice. Anyway, knowing my way round the systems, and being allowed to see payroll information, I looked at the payroll file and found said memo. Copied it and then played hell with HR. This was then followed by me having a right go at my boss etc... Anyway they backed down, but wouldn't admit a breach of contract, and HR had the gaul to say I'd abused my 'powers'.... FFS....

So watch it, the buggers may just decide not to do the scheme at all if you rock it - what goes for some employees doesn't for all, but they will never tell you that. I assume this was for some Senior Directors and their 'buddies'.........


Well-Known Member
Update - cyclescheme have confirmed we aren't registered with them. Which leaves it a) admin being done inhouse, xx( evans/halfords schemes c) rumours were a hoax (unlikely given the source).

Current line is they're not considering the scheme for another 2 years, it's a delicate situation.


New Member
So there are certain people you think have used the scheme?
Just start talking to them, lavish their bike with praise and then ask where they bought it.
Go to said shop and enquire whether they have any scheme/agreement with your company.
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