Cycle helmets are useless?

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It's what I've been saying since I first clapped eyes on one; wouldn't stop a well aimed kick never mind a car.

Sight-pin, you might feel safer but it's a false sense of security.

Oh i agree they will not offer full protection, but i still think they offer some protection. I suppose it all depends on your luck, how you come off after an accident really. Nothing is a 100% after all.




Legendary Member
Well lets say, If i was to strike my head on the road or kerb in an accident, i think i would come off better wearing a helmet than

FFS, here we go again... try same experiment missing curb by 10mm, then again wearing the helmet - which hurts most?

John the Canuck

..a long way from somewhere called Home..
i was thrown off a horse onto my head - but whilst wearing a proper 'jockey style' helmet
unconscious, concussion and in hospital, scans etcetc -- was told by brain consultant chap.... ''your helmet saved your life'

as you were - may the arguments continue........................:reading:.


Legendary Member
FFS, here we go again... try same experiment missing curb by 10mm, then again wearing the helmet - which hurts most?

And I did come off a while ago - landing on my shoulder (which hurt a good deal) - I estimate my head missing the tarmac by around the width of a helmet.

Had I been wearing one, would it have saved my life !


Cracking a solo.
Oh i agree they will not offer full protection, but i still think they offer some protection. I suppose it all depends on your luck, how you come off after an accident really. Nothing is a 100% after all.
As Adrian says, I think you'll be hard pushed to find anybody here that would say that a helmet would offer no protection in any set of circumstances, but you need to dig a little deeper. It does seem logical to wear a helmet until you do that digging, after all it's a helmet and helmets=safer, don't they? Once you've done the digging and research you can make a decision based less on emotion and anecdote and make your own mind up.
They have started running an advert on my local radio station I can't quite remember it word for word but it's quite short and goes along the lines of,
"If you're a cyclist and you wear a helmet you have a chance, if you don't you have no chance. Please wear a cycle helmet."
In the background is the sound of a hospital heart rate monitor, as I'm sure you can guess when the fella says you have no chance it flat lines.


Legendary Member
NE England
Don't worry. Tomorrow another expert will tell us they are brilliant and will save you from being run over by a 40t lorry, falling satellites and in-growing toe nails.


Rollin' along
Manchester way
I got an Ikea bathrobe last Christmas. Please *Please* can we have 15 pages discussing that instead of another futile route march through personal anecdote passed off as empirical evidence.

or at least move this thread to its own pointless H&H section, where it belongs so it triggers my ignore list.
Look what happened to this small child not wearing his helmet View attachment 46483

Which is why all children should wear a Thudguard



Rollin' along
Manchester way
It is optional as to whether or not a person reads a thread, it all depends on what you find interesting i thought?
+1 @User I reported it solely asking for it to be moved to where it belongs. There is an established area for these discussions, maybe a bit of thought for post placement in the first instance wouldn't go amiss.


Wearing a helmet means you're admitting cycling is a dangerous activity, same with hi-viz. Can't be doing that.

There are two types of cyclist who choose not to wear a helmet: the stupid one and the 'activist' one.
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